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Models and Data Requirements

HITERM uses a number of models for describing technological risk and emergency situations. These primarily include models for :

  • chemical spills or runaway/unwanted reactions, leading to:
    • atmospheric dispersion of a toxic gas or evaporating liquid; (a short description of a Lagrangian model prepared by the GMD)
    • fires and explosions of a gas, liquid, or evaporating liquid;
    • transport and dispersion in soil, groundwater and surface water systems;
  • pre-processor codes such as:
    • 3D diagnostic wind field model;
    • source models such as spill/pool or tank evaporation models;
  • routing algorithms for transportation risk analysis
  • impact models.

Examples for third-party models that are being studied for potential inclusion in HITERM include:

Atmospheric Models


The Diagnostic Wind Field Model (DWM) generates gridded fields of mass conservative horizontal wind components u and v at several user-specified vertical levels at a specified time.


DEGADIS is a mathematical dispersion model that can be used as a refined modeling approach to estimate short-term ambient concentrations and the expected area of exposure to concentrations above specified threshold values for toxic chemical releases.


The Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres (ALOHA) model is a program for the evaluation of gas transport and dispersion in atmosphere in emergency conditions


The USAF Toxic Chemical Dispersion Model (AFTOX) determines determine toxic chemical concentrations and give the user the option of calculating a toxic corridor, the concentration at a specific location, or the maximum concentration and its location.


An Atmospheric Dispersion Model for Denser-Than-Air Releases. SLAB simulates the atmospheric dispersion of denser-than-air releases over flat terrain. The model treats continuous, finite duration, and instantaneous releases from four types of sources: and evaporating pool, an elevated horizontal jet, a stack or vertical jet, and an instantaneous volume source.


Estimates exceedance of threshold concentration values from instantaneous or intermittent releases of hazardous air pollutants, based on the USEPA ISC2 Gaussian short-term model.

Groundwater Models


A model for simulating water flow and solute transport in variably saturated porous media. VS2DT solves problems of water and solute movement in variably saturated porous media. The finite difference method is used to approximate the flow equation, which is developed by combining the law of conservation of fluid mass with a nonlinear form of Darcy's equation, and the advection-dispersion equation. The model describes infiltration with ponding, evaporation, plant transpiration, and seepage faces. Solute transport options include first-order decay, adsorption, and ion exchange.


Simulation of 1-D water and chemical movement in vadose zone. Advection, sorption, vapor-phase diffusion, three-phase equilibration. Numerical solution, screening model.


Simulation of 1-D water and chemical movement in vadose zone. Advection, dispersion, first-order decay and linear sorption. Numerical solution, handles a variety of boundary conditions.


SPILLCAD its a program developed to analyse sites of hydrocarbon releases and to screen remediation projects.


Vadose zone modeling of the transport of organic (pesticide) contaminants. Advection, dispersion, first-order decay and linear sorption. Screening model, few parameters required.

Surface water Models


BLTM Branched Lagrangian Transport Model: an unconditionally stable model based upon a reference frame that moves with the mean channel flow velocity, applicable to unsteady flows in networks of one-dimensional channels. The model routes any number of interacting constituents through a system of one-dimensional channels.


DYNTOX (Dynamic Toxics Model) is a probabilistic model to asses the impact of toxic discharges on receiving water quality over the entire range of historical and future conditions.


The Exposure Analysis Modeling System (EXAMS) simulates an aquatic ecosystem tracing the path and behaviour of a toxic pollutant.


The Contaminant Fate Model TOXFATE simulates the behaviour of one of more pollutant within a completely mixed lake and determines the toxic accumulation in water, phytoplankton, zooplankton, fishes, sediments and benthos.


FGETS is a simulation program that predicts temporal dynamics of a fishes whole body concentration ( g chemical / (grams live weight fish)) of non-ionic, non-metabolized, organic chemicals that are bio-accumulated from water and food.

A number of simple, usually analytical models describing phenomena such as

  • outflow from containers (liquids, vapor, gas)
  • turbulent free jets
  • spray releases (instantaneous and continuous)
  • evaporation
  • heat radiation
  • dispersion
  • vapor cloud explosion
  • ruptures of vessels

can be found in the famous Yellow Books, Methods for the calculation of the physical effects of the escape of dangerous material (liquid and gases), Part I and II, Report for the Committee for the Prevention of Disasters, Published by the Dutch Directorate-General of Labour, Ministry of Social Affairs, Voorburg, the Netherlands (first edition: 1979).

Model data requirements

A typical model candidate for integration is SLAB:

The SLAB model has been developed to simulate the atmospheric dispersion of denser-than-air releases over flat terrain. The model treats continuous, finite duration, and instantaneous releases from four types of sources: and evaporating pool, an elevated horizontal jet, a stack or vertical jet, and an instantaneous volume source. While the model is designed to treat denser-than-air releases, it will also simulate cloud dispersion of neutrally-buoyant releases. Consequently, a typical SLAB simulation covers both the near-field dense gas phase and the far-field passive gas phase.

See: "User's Manual for SLAB: An Atmospheric Dispersion Model for Denser-Than-Air Releases" by Donald L. Ermak, available through the National Technical Information Services (NTIS), order number DE91-008443.

The SLAB data requirements are listed below:

c   Simple Prediction Heavy Gas Dispersion Model
c     Developed 1990 by DL Ermak
c   Meteorological Variables
c     - za    ambient measurement height (m)
c     - ta    ambient temperature ('k)
c     - ua    ambient wind speed (m/s)
c     - z0    surface roughness height (m)
c     - rh    relative humidity (percent)
c     - wmae  molecular weight of ambient air (kg)
c     - cpaa  heat capacity of ambient air (kg)
c     - wma   molecular weight of dry air (kg)
c     - cpa   heat capacity of dry air at const. p. (j/kg-'k)
c     - wmw   molecular weight of water (kg)
c     - cpwv  heat capacity of water vapor (j/kg-'k)
c     - cpwl  heat capacity of liquid water (j/kg-'k)
c     - rhoa  density of ambient air (kg/m3)
c     - pa    ambient atmospheric pressure (pa=n/m2=j/m3)
c     - hmx   mixing layer height (m)
c     - uastr ambient friction velocity (m/s)
c     - stab  stability class values
c    class   value      description
c      a      1.0      very unstable
c      b      2.0        unstable
c      c      3.0    slightly unstable
c      d      4.0         neutral
c      e      5.0     slightly stable
c      f      6.0         stable
c   default   0.0    input 'ala' for stability
c     - ala   inverse monin-obukhov length (1/m)
c             (ala is an input parameter only when stab=0.0)
c   source variables
c     - idspl spill source type
c           1 - evaporating pool release
c           2 - horizontal jet release
c           3 - vertical stack/jet release
c           4 - instantaneous or short duration evaporating pool release
c     - wms   molecular weight of source gas (kg)
c     - cps   heat capacity at const. p. (j/kg-'k)
c     - ts    temperature of source material ('k)
c     - rhos  density of source gas (kg/m3)
c     - qs    mass source rate (kg/s)
c     - as    source area (m2)
c     - ws    vapor evaporation rate or vertical jet source velocity (m/s)
c     - bs    source half width; bs=.5*sqrt(as) (m)
c     - tsd   continuous source duration (s)
c     - qtcs  continuous source mass (kg)
c     - qtis  instantaneous source mass (kg)
c     - hs    source height (m)
c     - us    horizontal jet source velocity (m/s)
c     - tbp   boiling point temperature ('k)
c     - cmed0  initial liquid mass fraction
c     - dhe   heat of vaporization (j/kg)
c     - cpsl  liquid heat capacity (j/kg-'k)
c     - rhosl liquid density of source material (kg/m3)
c     - spb   saturation pressure constant  (default: spb=-1.)
c     - spc   saturation pressure constant  (default: spc=0.)
c   additional variable  definitions
c     - tav   concentration averaging time (s)
c     - zp(i) heights of concentration calculation; i=1,4 (m)
c     - xffm  far field length (m)
c     - ncalc sub-step multiplier (input parameter)
c     - nssm  number of calculation sub-steps (nssm=3*ncalc)
c     - grav  acceleration of gravity (m/s2)
c     - rr    gas constant (j/mol -'k)

Another example would be the evaporation models SOURCE and EVAP, that generate a dynamic source terms for a spill of an evaporating liquid:

C     SOURCE.f
C     This subroutine computes the evaporation rate from a pool
c     of a (volatile) liquid.
c     INPUT:
c     kmax ..... maximum number of time steps (seconds)
c     dt ....... time step [s]
c     vtot ..... total amount spilled [m3]
c     tspill ... duration of spill [s]
c     widthp ... maximal width of pool [m]
c     rpar() ... vector of input parameters (see evapor.f);
c                partially used and/or updated in this subroutine:
c     rho = rpar(15)  [g/m3]
c     rho ...... density of liquid [g/m3]
c ----------------------------------------------------------------------
C     EVAPOR.f
c     This subroutine computes the evaporation rate per unit area
c     at time t after the spill of a (volatile) liquid dependent on
c     geographical, climatological and meteorological data of the
c     environment as well as the physico-chemical properties of the
c     liquid, the surrounding air and the underlying ground.
c     Ref.: P.I. Kawamura and D. Mackay,
c           J. Hazardous Materials, 15 (1987) 343-364.
c     INPUT:
c     t ...... time elapsed since the spill [s]
c     sa ....... solar altitude [rad]
c     cloud .... cloud cover [%]
c     ubar10 ... wind speed measured at 10 m [m/s]
c     tempa .... ambient air temperature [K]
c     diamp .... pool diameter or downwind length of pool [m]
c     depthp ... initial depth of the pool [m]
c     wtmol .... molecular weight of the liquid [g/mol]
c     dab ...... diffusivity of the liquid in air [m2/s]
c     conliq ... thermal conductivity of the liquid [J/msK]
c     boilp .... boiling point of the liquid [oC]
c     vapht .... heat of vaporization (=latent heat of evaporation) [J/mol]
c     a ........ } coefficients for the vapor pressure equation of the
c     b ........ } form     press = exp(a-b/(T+c)) [Pa]
c     c ........ } where    T ... temperature [K]
c ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Basic parameters of the accident:
  • substance,
  • mass spilled,
  • duration of the spill
have to be supplied by the operator either directly, or indirectly by identifying a contained or vehicle of known content;
Other parameters (location, time) are either known automatically through the systems real-time clock and the identification of a storage vessel or a location determined by GPS for a vehicle;
alternatively, they can be supplied by automatic link-up to monitoring stations for data such as the meteorological variables.

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