AirWare: Product and Implementation
AirWare (as of Release 5.x) is implemented as a fully web-based client-server system for distributed access, institutional cooperation, public information, and cooperative data management by "remote" clients in any (protected, restricted) Intranet or on the (public) Internet.
The system of (logical and/or physical) servers (web server, data base server, one or more application and compute servers) and related tools is available in a number of configurations and options: please refer to the AirWare Components and Cost Estimates below.
Server platforms supported
include any Open Source Linux(e.g., Ubuntu, RH Enterprise) or UNIX system, that provide an Apache web server, an SQL data base (ORACLE, MySQL, PostgreSQL), support PHP and cgis in C/C++. This already provides a rich, free set of utilities and tools for data processing and analysis.
Client platforms
Any platform (workstation, PC) that supports a standard web browserlike Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari and supports Java and JavaScript, and provides XVGA resolution (1024 * 768) or better.
AirWare base system
AirWare is designed as an open, modular system that can be configured and customized for a wide range of applications, covering a wide range of geographical coverage, resolution, and detail, as well as an open set of analytical tools and models. The AirWare system core includes:
- Main Server(s): web (http) and data base servers, system framework with user management and access control, help and explain hypertext, on-line hypertext manuals;
- Embedded hybrid GIS, supports all geo-referenced data sets and spatially distributed model input and results;
- Monitoring data management and time series analysis, real-time monitoring data import;
Object data base for the emission inventories for
- Point sources, representing individual stacks;
- Area sources, building blocks or commercial/industrial areas;
- Line sources (can be coupled to transportation models);
- Volume and mobile sources (for the optional 3D dynamic and Eulerian models);
- associated objects such as plants with multiple emission sources, companies, contact persons and institutions, documents (PDF, *.doc, HTML), emission factors (stationary and mobile), temporal emission patterns, fleet composition, emission control technologies;
- Embedded rule-based expert system (emission estimation);
Simulation models:
please note that the system is open for new and/or alternative models that can easily be integrated through the common, standard interfaces and shared data base;
- Dynamic 3D nested grid Eulerian model CAMx for conservative substances and particulates (PM10/2.5)
- Regulatory steady-state models: AERMOD (and AERMET pre-processor); for episodes (hourly), daily (24 hours) or annual analysis (365*24 hourly runs for EIA) on HPC equipment;
- Dynamic multi-PUFF model (Lagrangian model based on INPUFF) with diagnostic wind field interpolation (requires MM5 or WRF wind fields or multiple meteo station data, optionally down to 2 minute temporal resolution);
- Assessment (population exposure, spatial compliance checking, validation (monitoring data comparison), environmental impacts), reporting and graphical output functions including animations (mpeg);
- Generic http client-server interface to external models (e.g., CMAQ, CALPUFF);
Data import modules (import filters including quality control) and links to
- External monitoring networks (real-time data acquisition for data assimilation) and RDBMS;
- GIS data formats including Arc/Info export and shape files, DXF, DLG, etc.)
- Emission inventories in MS/Access or Excel (.csv files)
- Street network and attributes from traffic models including EMME/2, VISUM/DYNEMO).
The base server provides support for an unlimited number of distributed web or Intranet clients.
Additional or alternative simulation models can be integrated on request.
Optional components
- Photochemistry: CAMx, R 5.0, dynamic 3D nested grid photochemical model (alternative chemistry models CB5 and SAPRC99) ozone, and aerosol formation; can be configured for stochastic ozone forecasts (using meteo ensemble data, see below), and provides large-scale dynamic background conditions e.g., from EMEP emission data in Europe; CAMx is also used as the basis for the multi-criteria emission control optimization option;
- Meteorological modeling and forecasts: dynamic nested grid non-hydrostatic prognostic meteorological models MM5 or WRF, generating high-resolution meteorological 3D data fields, hourly, interpolated to 1 km spatial resolution;
- Real-time expert system framework for automatic schedules or event driven operation, work flow management, automatic quality assurance and error detection, alerts ands alarms (e.g., 2008/50/EC);
- High-resolution (5-10 m) city level traffic emission/immission model (Gaussian or steady-state Eulerian), convolution integral method, including high-resolution computational kernel and on-road mixing zone correction for single segment analysis;
- A dynamic 3-D multi-layer FE model (uses DWM diagnostic wind model for complex terrain);
- 3-D dynamic Eulerian high-resolution street canyon model with explicit building/obstacle simulation;
- Multi-criteria optimization model with discrete multi-criteria (reference point) optimization post-processor for minimizing emissions impacts, and costs, maximizing environmental benefits;
- A rule-based expert system for screening level EIA;
- Alternative external models (3D dynamic photochemical) such as CMAQ, CALGRID or UAM-V.
AirWare, and in particular the meteorological forecasts as major real-time inputs can also be linked to and integrated with
- RiskWare, for technological risk assessment and management;
- EMIS, an industrial environmental management system (ISO 14001/8);
- LUC, land cover and land use development modeling;
- ROMS, coastal water quality modeling.
- EIAxpert for screening level environmental impact assessment (rule- and model-based assessment of adaptive checklists).
Maintenance, support, training
All AirWare installations include, free of charge:
- On-site installation and testing (within Europe);
- Assistance with data preparations from electronic sources (excludes digitizing or manual data entry which we offer on a per-effort basis);
- User training; options include intensive courses on-site and on-the-job training at ESS;
- A one-year support and maintenance package.
Continuing maintenance, user support, and updates are offered on an annual support contract basis.
Pricing options
We offer the possibility to use AirWare remotely, fully or in part, over the Internet, as a fully supported ASP solution (SaaS, Software as a Service)
AirWare can also be used with one or more local servers (we offer turn-key solutions) but with selected compute-intensive components (e.g., meteorological forecasts, ensemble calculations, long-term model runs, stochastic ozone forecasts, multi-criteria optimization) provided over the Internet on a subscription basis. Combination of a local system with the option to run more demanding model application remotely as a web based service can be configured and adapted flexibly.
Outsourcing (SaaS) solutions:
SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions are hosted and supported by a remote or local ASP (Application Service Provider). Installation are offered with with dedicated main server and shred HPCC (high performance compute cluster), user support, maintenance, backup etc. and high-speed dedicated (leased) broadband Internet access (8 MB ATM line).
SaaS solutions incur a small set-up costs (typically 20% of the licensed version), and monthly subscription (initially for one year, with quarterly extension). Monthly subscription vary with complexity and the level of service, typically in the range of a few % of the license costs.e
Operations (unlimited access) include regular scheduled model runs (hourly now-casting, daily forecasting), data base management, backup, updates, maintenance, remote user support, training, etc. and are offered on an annual subscription basis. When moving from an SaaS solution to a local installation, we offer full credit for the setup costs.
AirWare pricing options
If several of the optional modules are purchased simultaneously, or several licenses for different locations, discounts may apply. Please contact us for an individual quotation.
We also offer academic licenses for research and teaching.
Please contact us for an individual quotation, depending on models included and the expected profile of use, required availability, and related services such as data base management, automatic backups, disaster recovery, etc.
AirWare is also available in attractive turn-key configurations, pre-installed and ready-to-run on a range of Linux (or UNIX) servers.
Contact us for an offer and configuration proposal with the hardware of your choice !