A key resource for urban life is water. With the climate change induced specter of growing extremes of temperature and precipitation reliable urban water supply, floods and droughts are becoming ever more important topics.
to pollution, ground level emission from traffic are immediately "effective".
CityWare utilizes major components of the WaterWare system, which again uses the prognostic meteorological models MM5 and WRF to generate the dynamic boundary conditions (temperature, precipitation) for a dynamic water budget model and water allocation and management optimization.
WaterWare provides dynamic water budgets on a daily basis for any hydrographic catchment or hydraulically interlinked system (including inter basin transfers and desalination; The system monitors water supply/demand balance, the status or storage, demand forecasts, and the reliability of supply, and offers both strategic multi-criteria optimization (at the level of a water year) as well as operational control (real-time optimization of reservoirs, alternative sources of water, and the distribution system) on a daily basis.
Observed or predicted demand/supply balance, sectoral costs and benefits of water allocation and use, a drought index, and early warning of possible flood situations are among the key indicators generated.
Related to the water resources management are linked water quality models, both on the supply side, but also downstream of a city and the waste water treatment plants outfalls. for coastal location, the effect on coastal water quality can also be simulated. Contamination of coastal water include water water outfalls, thermal pollution from power plants, salinity (brine) from desalination units, and sill (such as oil spills) from coastal shipping and harbor operations.
Public information on the status of water resources and the need for water saving measure and the resulting costs and benefits are among the main outputs.