Daily Ozone Forecast for Berlin
Air Pollution in Berlin
The "Air Quality Network of Berlin" (BLUME)

Berlin is the capital and the biggest city of Germany. It has a population of about 3.5 million and extends over 889 square kilometers. It is located in central Europe, longitude 13:25 E, latitude 52:32 N, 34 m above sea level, at the rivers Spree and Havel. The local time zone is Central European Time (MEZ or MET, one hour in advance of GMT, i.e., MEZ = GMT+1) with daylight savings time in the summer (MESZ = GMT+2).
Berlin was the capital of Prussia until 1945 and the capital of Germany between 1871 and 1945 and again since the reunification of Germany on October 3, 1990. (The German parliament, called Bundestag, and the German government are supposed to move from Bonn to Berlin till the year 2000.) Between 1949 and 1990, it was divided into East Berlin, the capital of the German Democratic Republic, and West Berlin. It was divided by the Berlin Wall between August 13, 1961, and November 9, 1989.
Population Density
Berlin today has about 3.6 million inhabitants on an area of 890.5 km2 (45 km x 38 km). The highest population density is in the inner city area within the "S-Bahn Guertel" (city-railway ring). This part of the city has an area of 98.2 km2 with 11,400 inhabitants per km2. The average population density is 4,031 inh./km2. For comparison, Paris has a density of 20,000 inh./km2 in the inner city.