Egypt: Coastal Zone Development and Climate Change

Case Study Report

Issues (and links to Agenda 21):

Summary: The problem of climate change is being taken seriously by the Egyptian authorities. Low lying land in the Nile delta region is considered to be especially at risk from the effects of any sea level rise resulting from global warming. In particular, the cities of Alexandria , Rosetta and Port Said , which are major industrial and economic centres, are expected to experience serious environmental impacts, if no action is taken.
This case study of a vulnerability assessment of Alexandria governorate is based on assumed scenarios of sea level rise of 0.5m; and 1.0m by the end of the 21st century. Remote sensing and GIS techniques are used to assess vulnerability and identify sectors likely to be most seriously impacted.
A general survey of the potential effects of climate change on the coastal zone of Egypt is also presented.
Objectives: The main objectives of this study are to collect data pertaining to the problem of coastal zone development in the Alecandria region and the Egyptian Mediterranean coast, and to apply them in the context of the GAIA information system for educational and planning purposes, for the assessment and mitigation of climate change and sea level rise.

Location and Additional Information Resources:
- Location name: Bay of Alexandria, Abu Kir
- Latitude: 30oto 32o North
- Longitude: 29o to 33o East
- Size of study area: 10,000 square kilometers
- CIA Factbook (2008)