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SWEDEN![]() BOARD OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH FOR GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES see Joint Council of Work Environment for Government Employees ![]() BYGGH�LSAN SAFETY AND HEALTH CENTRE CORPORATION (BYGGH�LSAN AB) (formerly the CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY'S ORGANIZATION for WORKING ENVIRONMENT, OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY and HEALTH (BYGGH�LSAN. BYGGNADSINDUSTRINS ORGANISATION F�R ARBETSMILJ�VERK SAMHET OCH FOERET AGSHAELSOV ARD) Box 706, Tel: 00 46 8 622 2100 Director: C Pamrin Status: Owned by the Swedish Construction Industry. Principal functions and activities: Founded in 1967, it is the first and largest of a growing number of industry-specific health, working environment and occupational safety services. Major publications: Bygghaelsan Informerar, Bygghaelsan Sweden Bulletine. Box 210, Tel: 00 46 8 728 6400, Contact name: S Orrenius Principal functions and activities: The Institute of Environmental Medicine (IEM) at the Karolinska Institute is an interdisciplinary research organisation and an expert voice within the field of environmental medicine. In addition to its extensive research activities, IEM is also responsible for several teaching programmes and for investigations and analyses, pertaining to physical and chemical aspects of environmental medicine and health protection. IEM is a World Health Organisation (WHO) Collaboration Centre for environmental health effects. The scientific work at IEM is carried out within the following areas of interdisciplinary focus: air pollutants and lung disease; metals; dioxins and other halogenated pollutants; indoor environment; tumour diseases; cardiovascular diseases; genetics and the environment; mechanisms of cell killing and toxic cell injury, development of methods; and education and information. Major Publications: Project Catalogue; Scientific Publication List; and various reports. Box 3208, Tel: 00 46 8 402 0200 Internet: http://www.asn.se Email: Chief Information Officer: A Alskog Principal functions and activities: Assists private industry and trade in their local safety work - primarily through training and information. It is the leading producer of basic educational material in the field of the working environment. The basic training material "Safety-Health and Working Conditions" have been translated into some 30 different languages. Box 16386, S 10327 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel: 00 46 8 700 1480 Fax: 00 46 8 209896 Executive director: K-G Lindstr�m Status: Joint council. Principal functions and activities: The SAN consists of representatives of the state sector organisations and of the state as employer. It is the partner's joint council on work environment matters in the public sector. As such, its practical functions are: policy making; publishing information and training material; planning the content of management - employee work environment training activities; encouraging, observing and initiating scientific research on work environment problems. Major publications: Quarterly Information Bulletin - Work Environment in Focus (in Swedish only), training materials and books on specific subjects related to work environment. Box 1384, Tel: 00 46 8 730 5700 Director General: G Bengtsson Director General's Secretary: Mrs I Bengtsson Head of Information Unit: L Freij, Press Officer Status: Governmental agency under the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources. Principal functions and activities: Issues regulations and supervises the observance of the legislation on chemical products. Maintains a product register. Utilises information held on Toxline, and on the Riskline database, which contains peer-group reviewed information on chemical substances. Major publications: In the KemI Report series, evaluations, surveys, etc. stemming from scientific investigations and other work are published. * NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR WORKING LIFE 171 84 Solna, Sweden Visiting Address: Ekelundsv�gen 16-20, Solna, Sweden Tel: 00 46 8 730 9100 Fax: 00 46 8 730 1967 Internet: http://www.niwl.se Box 7654, 907 13 Umea, Sweden. Visiting address: Petrus Laestadius v�g, Umea, Sweden. Tel: 00 46 90 13 7290 Fax: 00 46 90 16 5027 Telex: 54005 UNIVUME S Director General: Associate Professor A L Johansson Status: Research organisation under the Ministry of Labour. Five research departments in Solna as well as an information department, an International Committee, a Training and Education Committee, and a Development Committee. Two research departments in Umea. Fields of science represented: labour law and the labour market, occupational health, work environment chemistry, technology and work physiology, work organization and technology, ergonomics and toxicology and chemistry. Principal functions and activities: Sweden's largest centre for research, development and training. Work at the Institute is focused on working life, the labour market and the work environment. Cross-disciplinary research is an important characteristic. Projects and programmes must be relevant to the improvement of working life and be of high scientific value. The Institute has 480 employees, 407 in Solna and 73 in Umea. Over 120 of them has a PhD and 67 of them are employed as doctoral students. The Institute is also responsible for training occupational health care personnel. Information and dissemination of the research results is another important task. The Institute's library is a national resource library on occupational health and working life. The database Arbline contains 50,000 references to documents. The database may be searched and the documents ordered via the Institute's Internet server. Major publications: Research projects catalogue, Swedish and English edition; Newsletter Forskning Pagar, 5-6 issues per year, with an English edition; Research News, 2-3 issues per year; Arbetsmarknad och Arbetsliv (Labour Market and Working Life) 4 issues per year; European Economic and Industrial Democracy, scientific journal, 4 issues per year. Edited by our Institute and published by Sage Publication, London; Research reports - Arbetslivsrapporter - about 40 issues per year, some published in English; Scientific report series - Arberte och Ilalsa - about 40 issues per year. Some published in English, but all have an English summary. Forskning och Praktik, 5-6 issues per year. S - 171 84 Solna, Sweden Tel: 00 46 8 730 9000 Fax: 00 46 8 730 1967 Telex: 15 816 ARBSKY S Internet: http://www.arbsky.se Director of Information: I Holmstroem Fax: 00 46 8 730 9010 Status: Central government authority. Principal functions and activities: Issue ordinances and general recommendations for the implementation of legislation. Overall planning and co-ordination of the Labour Inspectorates activities. Compiling and distributing information about the working environment. Maintaining a work injury information system. Major publications: The periodical Arbetarskydd (Workers protection), Ordinances, books, pamphlets, brochures, videos. Newsletter in English. ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Environmental Technology and Work Science, Tel: 00 46 8 790 6055 Internet: http://www.ima.kth.se Email: Head of Department: Professor U Ulfvarson Status: University department Principal functions and activities: Conducts research into the main fields of environmental sciences: work science and environmental technology. The research will result in practical improvements of work environments and conditions. Especially addresses environmental analyses and development of strategies and techniques to minimise waste and emissions of contaminating substances. S-651 80 Karlstad, Sweden. Tel: 00 46 54 10 4000 Contact: Ms M Rhodiner Status: National board Principal functions and activities: Responsible for land transportation of dangerous goods. Co-ordinating society's resources for dealing with emergencies. Training personnel from the municipal rescue services and civil defence organisation. Co-ordinating contingency plans for nuclear accidents. Contact is responsible for a database concerning the agency's principal functions. |