Meteorological data, i.e., 3D dynamic fields of meteorological parameters are driving most environmental models, with wind, solar radiation, temperatures, and precipitation being the most important driving forces.
Prognostic meteorological models such as MM5 and WRF, but also diagnostic models such as CALMET used as post-processors, generate distributed, dynamic, high-resolution input data for
MM5 model setup descriptions:
Climate, Weather and the Environment
Seasonal Weather Forecasts
Stochastic Forecasts: Ensemble Predictions
IPCC Climate Change Scenarios:
Regional scenarios, IPCC climate models, Local downscaling
Operational Weather Forecast Models
These models can run within a real-time expert system framework, that coordinates data acquisition from a range of information resources, hourly now-cast model runs with data assimilation, regular e.g., daily forecast runs for 24 to 120 hours.
The meteorological data (forecasts or re-analysis of historical data) are used to provide input to arange of other models with:
- operational forecasts (3-7 days);
- stochastic forecats based on ensembles of meteorologival forecasts
- re-analyzed historical data
- seasonal forecasts including stochastic forecasts
- forecasts based on cliamte change scenarios and corresponding GCM results for climate change impact assessment and the optimization of adaptive strategies.
Operational forecast runs:
