WP 1.1, Activity 1.1.9:
Modules for the DSS Awareness/Training WorkshopsObjectives: Key technical staff (workshop participants) will be familiar with basic DSS concepts, terminology, and tools, and thus be ready to facilitate the detailed needs assessment in the Central Analysis project phase.
Outputs: DSS Awareness/Training Workshop Modules, as discussed during inception workshop.
WP 2.1, Activity 2.1.1:
IWRM/DSS Awareness and Consultation WorkshopsObjectives: Carry out DSS Awareness/Training and subsequent Consultation Workshops and discuss with all identified stakeholders their needs and requirements towards implementation of the Nile Basin DSS, in a participatory way.
Sub-regional and National Workshops Awareness and Training Workshops (two days each): The Program and Content of the Workshops was discussed during the Inception Workshop. Regional workshops were held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for the Eastern Nile Countries and in Kigali, Rwanda for the Equatorial Lakes Countries. Furthermore these workshops are repeated (November/December 2007 and January 2008) with a national scope in each of the nine NBI countries.
DSS Awareness and Training Workshop
Participant on-line registration:
On-line tools and forms for the registration of workshop participants and stakeholder institutions: