CityWare is an interactive, integrated, model-based information and decision support system for the urban environment. It combines elements of
AirWare air quality assessment and management system;
WaterWare for urban water supply, water quality and integrated water resources management; and
RiskWare with elements of technological risk analysis,
EIAxpert and environmental impact assessment,
RTXPS, a real-time expert system for rule-based real-time control,
- LUC, land use dynamic for the simulation of urban development
as well as a range of embedded utilities and tools.
Designed for major cities, metropolitan areas and urban conglomerates, the flexibility of the modular software components makes it easy to adapt and apply the system to a broad range of physiographic and meteorological, socio-economic, and environmental conditions.
CityWare and its components are currently tested in a number of projects world wide, including the cities of: Vienna, Geneva, Basel, Berlin, Athens, Milano, Randstad, Izmir, Gdansk, Buenos Aires, Mexico, Alexandria, Guilin, Limassol, Seoul, Tehran, Sisak, Dubai, ..... Tehran, Sisak.
CityWare receives important input from the Telematics applications project ECOSIM, and the EUREKA projects E!1388 AIDAIR and E!3266 WEBAIR, the INCO-DC project GAIA, and the Esprit project SIMTRAP.
The latest research and development projects with an urban focus are
WEBAIR developing web based solution for urban air quality assessment and management;
SUTRA: Sustainable Urban Transportation for the City of Tomorrow
RiskWare/NIR: assessment of non-ionizing radiation
- ENV-e-City: Towards an Environmentally Viable Electronic City.
CityWare is designed to provide easy access to advanced tools of data analysis and the design and evaluation of environmental policies as well as for continuous, real-time monitoring and control for operation management tasks, using
- A real-time hybrid expert system for continuous assessment and control, coordinating all component elements from monitoring to forecasting, reporting, and decision support;
- Time-series analysis for environmental monitoring for continuous real-time data acquisition from multiple sensors including imagery;
- A suite of simulation and optimization models including regular and event driven forecasts of key environmental parameters and indicators augmenting the monitoring data and feeding into the automatic control and decision support tools;
- together with integrated data base management using a distributed, object-oriented design, city data base for comparative analysis and multi-criteria ranking.
- An embedded geographical information system,
- Expert systems functionality for impact assessment and any estimation and classification tasks, and
- Intranet/Internet support for easy access and public information of multi-media formats and presentations.
- eLearning tools for an urban ecology course.
These components are integrated with an interactive and graphical user interface designed for users with little or no computer experience.
