Participation in European Research Projects:
ESS actively participates as coordinator and partner in a number of EU supported RTD Projects in Frameworks 4,5, and 6.
These research projects provide valuable input for ESS' Products and help to develop and maintain an international network of cooperating institutions and individuals.

OPTIMA is funded by the European Commission under the INCO-MPC programme.
Duration: |
2003 - 2007 |
Volume: |
1,950,000 Euro |
Austria, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine and Israel, Tunisia, Morocco |
Coordinator: |
ESS, Austria |
OPTIMA, Optimization for Water Resources Management, develops, implements and tests a multi-criteria optimization approach for large, complex, distributed and non-linear systems, with a strong participatory element intended to increase efficiencies and to reconcile conflicting demands. Based on the European Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) the approach equally considers economic efficiency, environmental compatibility, and social equity as the pillars of sustainable development.

SMART is funded by the European Commission under the INCO-MED programme.
Duration: |
2002 - 2005 |
Volume: |
1,580,000 Euro |
Austria, France, Italy, Portugal, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia |
Coordinator: |
ESS, Austria |
SMART, Sustainable Management od Scarce Resources in the Coastal Zone, addresses issues of integrated coastal zone management with emphasis on water resources, and competing water users in the Mediterranean coastal regions. Comparative case studies in Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and Tunisia are used to develop and test a common methodology.

Env-e-City is funded by the European Commission under the eContent programme.
Duration: |
2002 - 2003 |
Volume: |
2,200,000 Euro |
Partners: |
Austria, Greece, Germany, Netherlands, Norway |
Coordinator: |
AUTH, Greece |
Env-e-City, the Environmentally Viable Electronic City project aims at exploiting public environmental data through the Internet; ESS is developing ASP examples for support of the Air Quality Framework Directive 96/62/EC.

SUTRA is funded by the European Commission under the City of Tomorrow key action in the Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Pprogramme.
Duration: |
2000 - 2003 |
Volume: |
2,100,000 Euro |
Partners: |
Austria, Argentina, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Poland, Switzerland, Israel |
Coordinator: |
ESS, Austria |
SUTRA, Sustainable Urban Transportation, addresses the problem of urban land use, the transportation system, and the environment. With a system of coupled siulation models, scenarios of urban development are explored and compared for Buenos Aires, Gdansk, Geneva, Genoa, Lisbon, and Tel Aviv.

A-TEAM is funded by the European Commission under the IST programme.
Duration: |
2000 - 2003 |
Volume: |
2,400,000 Euro |
Partners: |
Austria, Portugal, Italy, UK, Greece, Switzerland |
Coordinator: |
ESS, Austria |
A-TEAM develops a web-based training system for emergency management, with emphasis on the chemical industry, aimed at fire fighters both within the industry and public civil defense forces. A real-time expert system, emergency simulation models, and a case-based reasoning system provide the technical elements of the system.

ISREMM is funded by the European Commission under the INCO-Copernicus programme.
Duration: |
2001 - 2003 |
Volume: |
750,000 Euro |
Partners: |
Austria, France, Greece, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan |
Coordinator: |
ESS, Austria |
ISIREMM, an Integrated System for Intelligent Regional Environmental Monitoring and Management, integrates simulation modeling with a wide range of monitoring technologies including LIDAR, SODAR, and photometric methods in order to fully exploit all available information resources for environmental management and make the best possible use of the available data.

ATMOS is funded under the INTAS programme.
Duration: |
2001 - 2003 |
Volume: |
150,000 Euro |
Partners: |
Austria, France, Russia, Belarus |
Coordinator: |
ESS, Austria |
ATMOS aims to provide a bilingual Internet portal on Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry, and the related application domain of air quality assessment and management with emphasis on the West Siberian Lowlands and Lake Baikal the geographical scope.

2000-00737 |
Duration: |
2001 - 2003 |
Volume: |
350,000 Euro |
Partners: |
Austria, UK, Italy, Belgium, Finland |
Coordinator: |
ASTRAL was aiming at adding value to the results of the LUTR group of land use change and transportation research projects, including building a web-portal for a cluster of related projects.

AIR-EIA was funded by the European Commission under the INFO2000 programme.
Duration: |
2000 - 2001 |
Volume: |
550,000 Euro |
Partners: |
Austria, Greece, Germany |
Coordinator: |
AUTH, Greece |
AIR-EIA is designed to provide improved access to state-of-the-art multi media information resources on Air Pollution aspects of Environmental Impact Assessment. The objective is to exploit, and integrate, multi media contents and services.

MUTATE was funded by the European Commission under the IST/eContent programme
MM 1019 (ET)
Duration: |
1999 - 2001 |
Volume: |
1,550,000 Euro |
Partners: |
Austria, Portugal, Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland |
Coordinator: |
Chiron, Portugal |
The ultimate goal of MUTATE is the creation of a set of tools, designated MUTATE Bundle, which will allow the development of Web Based Advanced GIS Training and Education,

HITERM was funded by the European Commission, DG III under the ESPRIT HPCN Programme.
ESPRIT 22723
Duration: |
1997 - 2000 |
Volume: |
2,200,000 Euro |
Partners: |
Austria, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Portugal |
Coordinator: |
ESS, Austria |
Within the framework of the ESPRIT Programme on High-Performance Computing and Networking for Information Management and Decision Support, HITERM aims at expanding the application of HPCN to decision support in new domains: the central focus is the interface between technological risk management and the environment . Using distributed parallel computing, the project aims at reaching better-than real time performance for the simulation of accidental release of hazardous substances into the atmosphere, ground and surface water. HITERM supports risk assessment and planning, emergency response training, end eventually emergency management. Case studies in Italy, Portugal, and Switzerland address:
- the adaptive routing of hazardous transports, integrating environmental risk criteria with other road information;
- the support of emergency management tasks (and related staff training) for transportation accidents involving hazardous substances and for hazardous installations, as foreseen by the amended Post-Seveso Directive (82/501/EEC, 87/216/EEC, COM(94) 4).

SIMTRAP is funded by the European Commission, DG III under the ESPRIT HPCN Programme.
ESPRIT 22689
Duration: |
1998 - 2000 |
Volume: |
2,000,000 Euro |
Partners: |
Austria, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, UK |
Coordinator: |
ptv AG, Germany |
A second project within the framework of the ESPRIT Programme on High-Performance Computing and Networking for Information Management and Decision Support, SIMTRAP integrates advanced simulation models for dynamic traffic flow and 3D photochemical air quality modeling implemented on powerful parallel computers within a decision support framework that includes GIS functionality, statistical analysis tools, an embedded expert system, und a multi-criteria optimization tool. An easy-to-use multimedia user interface and the fast and interactive response made possible by HPCN technology provide a powerful tool for urban traffic and environmental planners. 

ECOSIM was funded by the EC, DG XIII under the Telematics Applications Programme. |
EN 1006 (EN)
Duration: |
1996 - 1998 |
Volume: |
1,850,000 Euro |
Partners: |
Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, UK |
Coordinator: |
ESS, Austria |
In collaboration with partner institutions in the UK, Germany, Greece, Italy, and Poland ESS participates in ECOSIM, Ecological and environmental monitoring and simulation system for management decision support in urban areas. Designed for a 30 months duration, and funded at a level of 1.2 Million ECU, the project developed a demonstrator for an integrated environmental monitoring and modelling system for management decision support in environmental planning for urban areas with applications in Athens, Berlin, and Gdansk. 

BOOTSTRAP is sponsored by the European Commission, European Social Fund (ESF), and the Austrian Ministry for Employment and Social Affairs
ADAPT - BOOTSTRAP: Building adaptive world-class SMEsIn collaboration with research institutions, government agencies, and industrial enterprises in the UK, Sweden, Portugal, Italy, Germany ESS participates in the BOOTSTRAP project of the EU's ADAPT Programme. The project was aimed at small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and their technological innovation. Using modern information technology, and in particular, Internet-based multi-media services based on a flexible client-server architecture, advanced information services can be introduced into the SMEs' business process. As a specific application domain, ESS addresses problems of environmental management through a concept of learning on demand through network accessible multi-media information services. 

GAIA is sponsored by the European Commission, DG XIII, under INCO-DC.
INCO 950809
Duration: |
1996 - 1998 |
Volume: |
700,000 Euro |
Partners: |
Austria, Italy, UK, Argentina, China, Egypt, Mexico, Thailand, Venezuela, Zimbabwe |
Coordinator: |
ESS, Austria |
GAIA, a Multi-Media Tool for Natural Resources Management and Environmental Education addresses both issues of environmental planning and management as well as information technology. Its primary objective is to build multi-media tools for environmental education and management, in a collaboration of 10 countries from Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America. In collaboration with two European institutions and university partners from seven developing countries, the project has developed a client/server multi-media system for environmental education, using the EARSS system as its starting point. Developed both as a workstations version and an internet server, GAIA provides access to numerous case studies and examples of environmental issues, problems, and solutions, embedded in the framework of Agenda 21.

WEBAIR: web-based urban and industrial air quality assessment and management.
WEBAIR builds a web based application service for real-time multi-media management information system for industrial, urban and regional air quality assessment and management, integrating on-line monitoring and modelling with AI components, in support of relevant EU Directives. 
In collaboration with research institutions, government agencies, and industrial enterprises in the Switzerland, the UK, Northern Ireland, Sweden, Portugal, and Russia, ESS has initiated a EUREKA project that has received definitive EUREKA A status end of June 1995. The project, with an expected total volume of more than 3 Million ECU, is designed for a three year initial development phase.
Case studies are being developed for Vienna, Austria; Geneva, Switzerland; and Izmir in Turkey. The emphasis is on the integration of energy systems analysis and traffic models with a range of air quality modeling and assessment tools, as well as on-line sensors and monitoring equipment. 
EUREKA E!1892 EUROENVIRON: IQEM IQEM: Integrated Quality and Environmental Management
The aim of the IQEM project was to develop, within a flexible artificial intelligence environment, a modular set of integrated tools for quality control procedures, environmental management, and safety management an intranet/extranet environment for combined ISO 9000, ISO 14001, EMAS and safety management.