Advanced Computer Applications: A Technology Company ProfileEnvironmental Software & Services offers a range of advanced products and services for environmental planning and management, policy and decision making, world wide. We develop, deploy, and support environmental information and decision support systems as customized eConsulting solutions, featuring:
Interactive and automatic simulation, dynamic, distributed, non-linear, including real-time, scheduled and event based model runs, for short- and medium term forecasts; |
Distributed object data bases and information systems, and related GIS applications including tools for multi-criteria DSS, ranking and benchmarking; |
Forward and backward chaining expert systems including real-time applications and knowledge engineering, used applications from distance learning to real-time emergency management support; |
Web-based dynamic interactive graphics, model animation, multi-media, scientific visualization for intuitively understandable information, easy-to-use systems with embedded expert systems technology; |
Client-server distributed information systems, fully web-based for easy access and efficient sharing of resources, utilizing high-performance cluster computing for complex, large-scale and high-resolution analysis. |
Internet based customized application services (ASP), outsourcing solutions, Software as a Service (SaaS), bespoke cloud computing, including remote user support, maintenance, training. |
Working with a growing number of partner institutions world-wide, we specialize in problem oriented systems integration and applied systems analysis.
Our environmental products and related services include:
Integrated software solutions for complex and distributed (Internet/Intranet) environmental information and decision support systems. These systems are available as fully web based solutions including remote maintenance and support, and alternatively are available as turn-key systems installed on powerful, reliable, and secure Linux/UNIX servers supporting PC based web clients on Intranet and Internet TCP/IP connections;
- Custom development projects including problem analysis, design, and software implementation in close cooperation "joint venture or PPP orojects with the client and end user or development partners; projects may also include installation, testing and validation, user training, and continuing remote in a range of flexible ASP solutions.
Application Services, comprehensive outsourcing solutions, Software as a Service (SaaS), or bespoke cloud computing: complete eConsulting through Internet or secure (VPN based) client-server architectures, information services under customer specific domains on dedicated high-performance server cluster hardware with a variety of integrated support services including real-time applications, and remote maintenance including operational mirrors, backup, disaster recovery.
- Consultancy: feasibility and design studies for environmental information systems, research and data analysis; we also offer a broad range of support functions including compilation and processing the necessary data, design of monitoring systems, project monitoring and supervision, development of RFP and TOR technical specifications, training programs, planning and and supervision of field surveys including underwater exploration.
ESS offers a number of more generic systems, that can be configured for a new application with minimal effort. For an overview and examples, visit the ESS Project Gallery. Fully data driven so that a new application requires only new data sets, these systems include:
AirWare an urban scale air quality management information system, integrating a range of models with monitoring data analysis and decision support components.
WaterWare a river basin management information system, combining GIS, hydro-meteorological data analysis and a set of simulations models for water resources and water quality planning and management.
RiskWare a management information system for technological and environmental risks, including a real-time emergency management expert system.
CityWare an urban scale environmental information and decision support system, integrating elements of AirWare and WaterWare for the urban environment with emphasis on public (Internet) information services.
EIA Expert a rule-based expert system for screening-level environmental impact assessment, integrating data bases, GIS, and simulation model.
RDIS, a regional planning and environmental management information system featuring ranking and benchmarking indicators for sustainable development.