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  Reports and Research Papers

In addition to the on-line manuals and systems documentation for our software and projects, ESS publishes its research results and application examples in the scientific literature in various journals, contributes to international conferences, symposia, or book projects. Several of these publications are also available on-line or as PDF files for downloading.

Technical Reports: an on-line collection of Project Deliverables and related Presentations.

Fedra, K., (2015)
River Basin Management: what do we really want ?
Keynote presentation at EWRA 2015, Istanbul, June 10-13
Environmental Processes: Volume 2, Issue 3 (2015), Page 511-525,
DOI: 10.1007/s40710-015-0084-4
on-line manuscript, PDF   On-line presentation (PPT)
available electronically on SpringerLink: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40710-015-0084-4

Grguric, S., Krizan, J, Gasparac, G. Spiric, Z., Antonic, O ., Mamouri R.E., Christodoulou A., Nisantzi A., Agapiou, A., Themistocleous, K., Fedra, K., Panayiotou, C., Hadjimitsis, D.   (2014)
Relationship between MODIS AOD (Aerosol Optical Depth) and PM10 over Croatia
Central European Journal of Geosciences. March 2014, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp 2-16
Springer Link
Fedra, K. (2013)
eLearning with a Rule-based Tutor: Real-time Socratic Dialog.
8pp., IERI, Advances in Education Research Volume 11-12 ISSN: ISSN:2160-1070, ISBN:978-1-61275-047-7
on-line manuscript, PDF
Fedra, K. and Schwarz-Witwer, C. (2013)
EUREKA WEBAIR: web-based air quality management, real-time forecasting and emission control optimization
20pp., Journal of Environmental Sciences and Engineering A2 (2013) 209-228.
on-line paper, PDF
Kleanthous,S., Chrysanthos,S., Christofides,I., Hadjimitsis, D.G., Themistocleous, K., Achilleos, C., Douros,I., Moussiopoulos, N., Panayiotou,C., Gregoris,C., Fedra, K., Kubat, M.   (2012)
Particulate monitoring, modeling, and management: natural sources, long-range transport, and emission control options: a case study of Cyprus.
RSCy2013 conference paper.
Papadavid, G., Hadjimitsis, D, Fedra, K. and Michaelidis, S. (2011)
Smart management and irrigation demand monitoring in Cyprus, using remote sensing and water resources simulation and optimization.
Advances in Geosciences, 9, 1-7
on-line manuscript at www.adv-geosci.net
Fedra K. (2010)
Non-linear multi-criteria emission control optimization with a 3D dynamic photochemical model system
A&WMA International Speciality Conference: Leapfrogging Opportunities for Air Quality Improvement, Xian, PRC, May 10.-14.,2010.
On-line presentation (PPT)
Fedra, K., and Witwer, C. (2010)
Operational web-based air quality forecasts: cascading real-time models for assessment, management and public information
A&WMA International Speciality Conference: Leapfrogging Opportunities for Air Quality Improvement, Xian, PRC, May 10.-14.,2010.
On-line presentation (PPT)
Fedra, K., and Witwer, C. (2009)
Web-based air quality forecasts: assessment, management and public information.
Presented at the AOGS 2009, Singapore, August 11-15, 2009.
On-line presentation (PPT)   On-line manuscript (PDF)
Fedra, K., and Zuvela-Aloise, M. (2009)
Climate Change Scenarios and regional impacts: a case for robust adaptation strategies.
Presented at the COSMOS General Assembly/MedCLIVAR workshop, FUB, Berlin, June 15-17, 2009.
On-line presentation (PPT)
Fedra, K., Rashidi, Y. and Kim, T. (2009)
Real-time air quality assessment and management: cascading models in a web based implementation. ITM 2009, 30th NATO/SPS, International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Applications, San Francisco, 18-22 May, 2009.
Extended abstract (PDF)   on-line presentation (PPT)
Fedra, K. (2008)
Air Quality Assessment and Management: Web-based tools. Presented at: Better Air Quality 2008, Bangkok, Thailand, 12-15 November 2008
on-line abstract (PDF)     on-line presentation (PPT)
Fedra, K. (2008)
Coastal zone resource management: Tools for a participatory planning and decision making process. 673-686., In: R. Krishnamurthy et. al., [eds]: Integrated Coastal Zone Management - The Global Challenge. Research Publishing Services, Singapore.
on-line paper (PDF)
Fedra, K.(2008)
Technological risk assessment and management: can we integrate terrorist attacks ?
pp. 353-373 , In: Coskun, H.G., Cigizoglu, H.K., and Maktav, D, [eds.]: Integration of Information for Environmental Security. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security. 498 pp., Springer, Dordrecht.
on-line paper (PDF)
Harmancioglu, N. Fedra, K., and Barbaros, F. (2008)
Analysis of Sustainability in Management of Water Scarce Basins: the case of the Gediz River Basin in Turkey.   Desalination, 226(2008), pp. 175-182.
on-line paper (PDF)
Cetinkaya, C.P., Fistikoglu, O., Fedra, K. and Harmancioglu, N. (2007)
Optimisation Methods Applied for Sustainable Management of Water-Scarce Basins. Journal of Hydroinformatics, IWA Publishing 2008, 10/1, pp.69-95.
on-line pre-print   (PDF)
Fedra, K., Kubat, M., and Zuvela-Aloise, M. (2007)
Web-based water resources management: economic valuation and participatory multi-criteria optimization.
Proceedings of the Second IASTED International Conference WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT August 20-22, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA ISBN Hardcopy: 98-0-88986-679-9 CD: 978-0-88986-680-5
On-line paper (PDF)
Fedra, K. (2007)
EIA: tools for a participatory approach.   Presented at the IAIA 07, Seoul, Korea.
On-line abstract (PDF)     On-line PowerPoint presentation
Fedra, K. and Kim, T.J. (2007)
Urban and Industrial Air Quality Assessment and Management: a real-time web-based approach.   Presented at the IAIA 07, Seoul, Korea.
On-line abstract (PDF)     On-line PowerPoint presentation
Fedra, K. (2006)
Technological Risk Assessment and Management: GIS, simulation models and real-time expert systems. 10 pp.,   In: Map Middle East 2006, Proceedings, CD edition.
On-line PowerPoint Presentation
Fedra, K. (2006)
Beyond GIS: Integrating dynamic simulatiom models and GIS for natural resources and environmental management. 10 pp.,   In: Map Middle East 2006, Proceedings, CD edition.
On-line PowerPoint Presentation
Fedra, K. (2006)
Embedded GIS in environmental management. 22-16 pp., GIS Development, Vol. 10/2
Fedra, K. (2006)
Urban and industrial air quality assessment and management: Internet based solutions.   The Clean Air Journal, NACA NVSL Vol. 15/1 April 2006, pp. 19-23.
On-line Paper (PDF)
Fedra, K. (2005)
Water Resources Modelling at the River Basin Scale (tutorial presentation)   IASTED/SMO 2005, Oranjestad, Aruba, August 2005.
On-line Description (HTML)     Tutorial Slide Show
Fedra, K. (2005)
Water Resources Simulation and Optimization: a web based approach.   IASTED/SMO 2005, Oranjestad, Aruba, August 2005.
On-line Paper (PDF)
Fedra, K. and Harmancioglu, N. (2005)
A web-based water resource simulation and optimization system In: Savic, D., Walters, G., King, R., and Khu, A-T. [eds], Proceeding of CCWI 2005, Water management for the 21st Century. Volume II, 167-172, Center of Water Systems, University of Exeter.
On-line Abstract (HTML)     On-line Paper (PDF)
Fedra, K. (2004)
Coastal Zone Resource Management: Tools for a Participatory Planning and Decision Making Process. In: Green, D.R. et al. [eds.]: Delivering Sustainable Coasts: Connecting Science and Policy. Proceedings of Littoral 2004, September 2004, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK., Volume 1, 281-286 pp.
On-line Paper (PDF)
Fedra, K. (2004)
Water Resources Management in the Coastal Zone: Issues of Sustainability. In: Harmancioglu, N.B., Fisitikoglu, O., Dlkilic, Y, and Gul, A. [eds.]: Water Resources Management: Risks and Challenges for the 21st Century. Proceedings of the EWRA Symposium, September 2-4, 2004, Izmir, Turkey, Volume I, 23-38 pp.
On-line Paper (PDF)
Fedra, K. (2004)
Sustainable Urban Transportation: a model-based approach.   Cybernetics and Systems, 35: 455-485.
On-line Paper (PDF)
Fedra, K. and Abdel-Rehim, A. (2004)
Spatial Analysis for Coastal Zone Management: Beyond GIS.   Proceedings of CoastGIS'03, on-line: http://www.gisig.it/coastgis/papers/fedra.htm
On-line Paper (HTML)
Fedra, K. (2003)
From Data Management to Decision Support. In: Integrated Technologies for Environmental Monitoring and Information Production. Harmancioglu, N.B., Ozkul, S.D., Fisitkoglu, O, and Geerders, P. [eds]. 395-410 pp., NATO Science Series, IV, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 23, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
Fedra, K. (2002)
AirWare: an urban and industrial air quality assessment and management information system. In: MoussiopoulosN, and Karatzas, K. [eds], SATURN-EURASAP, Urban Air Quality Management Systems. 73-91 pp., EUROTRAC-2, ISS, Munich.
On-line Paper (HTML)
Fedra, K. (2002)
GIS and simulation models for Water Resources Management: A case study of the Kelantan River, Malaysia. 39-43 pp., GIS Development, 6/8.
On-line Paper (HTML)
Fedra, K. and Winkelbauer, L. (2002)
A hybrid expert system, GIS and simulation modeling for environmental and technological risk management. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 17 (2002) 131-146.
On-line Paper (HTML)
Fedra, K. (2001)
Environmental RTD projects and applications over the Internet: Case studies from Thailand, China, Malaysia and Japan.   Paper presented at the Asia eco-Best Roundtable in Lisbon, March 2001.
On-line Abstract (HTML)
Karatzas, K., Moussiopoulos, N., Fedra, K., Lohmeyer, A., and Kouroumlis, C. (2001)
A Multimedia Application for EIA Studies. IEEE MultiMedia. 8/4, 71-75.
Fedra, K., and Gordov, E. (2000)
Integrated System for Intelligent Regional Environmental Monitoring and Management: ISIREMM. pp 141-145. In: Gordov, E. [ed.:] Proceedings, ENVIROMIS'2000, 24-28 October 2000, Tomsk. Institute of Atmospheric Optics, SB RAS.
Fedra, K. (2000)
Environmental Decision Support Systems: A conceptual framework and application examples. Thése prèsentèe á la Facultè des sciences, de l'Universitè de Genéve pour obtenir le grade de Docteur és sciences, mention interdisciplinaire. 368 pp., Imprimerie de l'Universitè de Genéve, 2000.
On-line Abstract (HTML)
Fedra, K. (2000)
Environmental Information and Decision Support Systems. Informatik/Informatique 4/2000, pp. 14-20.
On-line Paper (HTML)
Fedra, K. (2000)
Model-based decision support for integrated urban air quality management. In: Longhurst, J.W., Elsom, D.M. and Power, H. [eds.] Air Quality Management, pp 243-260, WIT Press, Southampton.
On-line Paper (HTML)
Fedra, K. (2000)
Urban environmental management: monitoring, GIS and modeling. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 23(1999) 443-457
On-line Paper (PDF)
Fedra, K. and Winkelbauer, L. (1999)
A hybrid expert system, GIS and simulation modeling for environmental and technological risk management. In: Environmental Decision Support Systems and Artificial Intelligence, Technical Report WS-99-07, pp 1-7, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA.
On-line Paper (HTML)
Fedra, K. (1999)
Urban Environmental Management. Integrating Monitoring, GIS and Simulation Models. GIM International, 7/13, 28-31.
Fedra, K., Karatzas, K. and Moussiopoulos, N. (1999)
Integrated urban environmental management: Monitoring, simulation, decision support. In: N.Moussiopoulo [ed.]: Research in the Fields of Energy and the Environment. Selected Scientific Articles of the Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering. pp. 101-109. Thessaloniki.
Fedra, K., Haurie, H. (1998)
A decision support system for air quality management combining GIS and optimization techniques. Int. J. Environment and Pollution Vol.12, Nos.1/2, 1999, 125-146.
Fedra, K. (1998)
High Performance Computing for Environmental Management:   Monitoring, Simulation, Decision Support.   Presented at the IST'98 workshop: IST Applications and Services for Environmental Management in European Cities and Regions, Austria Center Vienna, December 2, 1998.
On-line Paper
Fedra, K. (1998)
Integrated Risk Assessment and Management: Overview and State-of-the-Art.   Journal of Hazardous Materials, 61 (1998) 5-22.
On-line Abstract   On-line Paper
Fedra, K. and Feoli, E. (1998)
GIS Technology and Spatial Analysis in Coastal Zone Management. EEZ Technology, Ed. 3, 171-179.
download (PDF: 1,093 KB)
Fedra, K. (1997)
Integrated Environmental Information Systems: from data to information. In: N.B. Harmancioglu, M.N. Alpaslan, S.D.Ozkul, and V.P. Singh [eds.]: Integrated Approach to Environmental Data Management Systems, 367-378. Kluwer, Dordrecht.
On-line Abstract
Fedra, K., Greppin, H., Haurie, A., Hussy, C., Dao, Hy, and Kanala, R. (1996)
GENIE: An Integrated Environmental Information and Decision Support System for Geneva. Part I: Air Quality. Arch.Sci.Geneve, Vol. 49, Fasc.3, pp 247-263.
On-line Abstract
Fedra, K. (1996)
Multi-Media Environmental Information Systems: Wide-Area Networks, GIS, and Expert Systems. GIS: Geo-Informations-Systeme Vol/Nr. 9/3, 3-10.
Jamieson, D.G. and Fedra, K. (1996)
The WaterWare decision-support system for river basin planning: I. Conceptual Design. Journal of Hydrology 177 (1996) 163-175.
Fedra, K. and Jamieson, D.G. (1996)
The WaterWare decision-support system for river basin planning: II. Planning Capability. Journal of Hydrology 177 (1996) 177-198.
Jamieson, D.G. and Fedra, K. (1996)
The WaterWare decision-support system for river basin planning: III. Example Applications. Journal of Hydrology 177 (1996) 199-211.
Fedra, K., and Jamieson, D.G. (1996)
An object-oriented approach to model integration: a river basin information system example. In: Kovar, K. and Nachtnebel, H.P. [eds.]: IAHS Publ. no 235, pp. 669-676. On-line Paper
Fedra, K. (1995)
Decision Support for Natural Resources Management: Models, GIS and Expert Systems. Presented at Decision Support 2001. September 12-16, 1994. AI Applications 9/3 3-19.
On-line Paper
Fedra, K. (1995)
Chemicals in the Environment: GIS, Models, and Expert Systems. In James Devillers [Ed.] Toxicology Modelling. Vol. 1, No. 1. Carfax Publishing Company, UK. pp. 43-55.
On-line Abstract
Fedra, K. and E. Weigkricht (1995)
Integrated Information Systems for Technological Risk Assessment. In G.E.G. Beroggi and W.A. Wallace [Eds.] Computer Supported Risk Management. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht. The Netherlands. pp. 213-232.
On-line Abstract
Weigkricht, E. and Fedra, K. (1995)
Decision Support Systems for Dangerous Goods Transportation. INFOR vol 32, no. 5. May 1995, pp 84-99.
On-line Abstract
Fedra, K. (1995)
From Spatial Data to Spatial Information: GIS, Environmental Models and Expert Systems. In: From Research to Application through Cooperation. Proceedings Volume 1 - Stream 1,2 and 3. Proceedings of Joint European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information. Netherlands Congress Centre The Hague. AKM Messen AG. March 26-31, 1995. pp. 264-278.
On-line Abstract
Fedra, K. (1994)
Marine Systems Analysis and Modeling. Proceedings of the Symposium "The Challenge to Marine Biology in a Changing World". 100 Years Biologische Anstalt Helgoland. September 13-18, 1992. Isle of Helgoland. Germany. Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen Volume 49. pp. 617-632.
On-line Abstract
Fedra, K., Diersch, H.J. and Härig, F. (1994)
Interactive Modeling of Groundwater Contamination: Visualization and Intelligent User Interfaces. In D.C. Adriano, A.K. Iskandar and I.P. Murarka [Eds.] Contamination of Groundwaters. Advances in Environmental Science. Science Reviews. Northwood, UK. pp. 189-220.
On-line Abstract
Fedra, K. (1994)
Model-based Environmental Information and Decision Support Systems. In L.M. Hilty, A. Jaeschke, B. Page and A. Schwabl [Eds.] Informatik für den Umweltschutz. Band I. 8. Symposium, Hamburg, Germany 1994. Metropolis Verlag, Marburg, Germany. pp. 37-58.
Fedra, K. (1994)
Urbane Umweltinformationssysteme. In it+ti 4/5 - Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik 36 R. Oldenbourg Verlag. pp. 43-48.
Fedra, K. and Winkelbauer, L. (1994)
Environmental Assessment, Management, and Reporting. In Robert Trappl [ed.] Cybernetics and Systems '94 - Volume I. Proceedings of the Twelfth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR'94), organized by the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies. Vienna, Austria. April 5-8, 1994. World Scientific. pp. 927-934.
Fedra, K. (1994)
GIS in Environmental Applications. In Peter J. Shand and Peter J. Ireland [eds.] The 1994 European GIS Yearbook. NCC Blackwell and Hastings Hilton Publishers Ltd. pp. 110-114.
Fedra, K. (1994)
Integrated Environmental Information and Decision Support Systems. In: G. Guariso and B. Page [eds.] Computer Support for Environmental Impact Assessment (B-16). Proceedings of the IFIP TC5/WG5.11 Working Conference on Computer Support for Environmental Impact Assessment, CSEIA 93. Como, Italy. 6-8 October 1993. Elsevier Science B.V. (North Holland). pp269-288.
Fedra, K. (1994)
GIS and environmental modeling. In: M.F. Goodchild, B.O. Parks and L.T. Steyaert [eds.] Environmental Modeling with GIS. 35-50, Oxford University Press.
On-line Paper
Fedra, K. (1993)
Clean Air - Air Quality Modelling and Management. In: Mapping Awareness and GIS in Europe. Volume 7 No. 6. July/August. A Miles Arnold Publication. pp. 24-27.
Lassarre, S., Fedra, K. and Weigkricht, E. (1993)
Computer-Assisted Routing of Dangerous Goods for Haute-Normandie. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 119, No.2. pp. 200-210.
Fedra, K. and Kubat, M. (1993)
Hybrid GIS and Remote Sensing in Environmental Applications. RR-93-20. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria. Hybrid Geographical Information Systems reprinted from EARSel Advances in Remote Sensing (1992) 1(3):89-100. A Global Change Impact Assessment System: GIS, Models and Expert Systems reprinted from Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Remote Sensing and Global Environmental Change (1993) ISSN:1068-9281, pps. I-657-I-668.
Fedra, K. (1993)
Models, GIS and Expert Systems: Integrated Water Resources Models. In K. Kovar and H.P. Nachtnebel [eds.]. Application of Geographic Information Systems in Hydrology and Water Resources Management. Proceedings of an international conference held in Vienna, Austria, 19-22 April, 1993. IAHS Publication No. 211. pp. 297-308.
Fedra, K. (1993)
Integrated Information Systems for Water Resources Management. Preprints of Papers. WATERCOMP '93. 2nd Australasian Conference on Computing for the Water Industry Today and Tomorrow. Melbourne, Australia. 30 March - 1 April, 1993. The Institution of Engineers, Australia. National Conference Publication No. 93/2. pp. 277-289.
Fedra, K., Weigkricht, E. and Winkelbauer, L. (1993)
Decision Support and Information Systems for Regional Development Planning. In: T. Vasko [ed.] Problems of Economic Transition - Regional Developments in Central and Eastern Europe. Selected Papers from an International Colloquium held at Strbske Pleso, High Tatras, CSFR, 21-24 April 1991. Avebury. pp. 215-242
Fedra, K. (1993)
Expert Systems in Water Resources Simulation and Optimization. In J.B. Marco et.al [eds.] Stochastic Hydrology and its Use in Water Resources Systems Simulation and Optimization. Kluwer Academic Publishers. The Netherlands. pp-397-412.
Fedra, K. (1992)
Simulation Modelling in Environmental Impact Assessment. In A.K. Biswas and S.B.C. Agarwala [eds.] Environmental Impact Assessment for Developing Countries. Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, Oxford, UK. pp. 140-159.
Fedra, K., Winkelbauer, L. and Pantulu. V.R. (1991)
Expert Systems for Environmental Screening. An Application in the Lower Mekong Basin. RR-91-19. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. A-236l Laxenburg, Austria. 169p.
Fedra, K. (1991)
Smart Software for Water Resources Planning and Management. In: D.P. Loucks and J.R. da Costa [Eds.], Decision Support Systems. NATO ASI Series, Vol. G26. Springer Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg, pp.145-172.
Fedra, K. (1991)
A Computer-based Approach to Environmental Impact Assessment. In: A.G. Colombo and G. Premazzi [eds.] Proceedings of the Workshop on Indicators and Indices for Environmental Impact Assessment and Risk Analysis. Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy. 15-16 May, 1990. Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg. pp.11-40.
Loucks, D.P., Kindler, J. and Fedra, K. (1985)
Interactive Water Resources Modeling and Model Use: An Overview. Water Resources Research, 21/2, 95-102.
Fedra, K. and Loucks, D.P. (1985)
Interactive Computer Technology for Planning and Policy Modeling. Water Resources Research, 21/2, 114-122.
Fedra, K. (1985)
A Modular Interactive Simulation System for Eutrophication and Regional Development. Water Resources Research, 21/2, 143-152.
Fedra, K. (1984)
Interactive Water Quality Simulation in a Regional Framework: A Management Oriented Approach to Lake and Watershed Modeling. Ecological Modelling, 21: 209-232.
Fedra, K. (1983)
Environmental Modeling under Uncertainty: Monte Carlo Simulation. RR-83-28. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria. 78p.
Fedra, K. (1983)
A Monte Carlo Approach to Estimation and Prediction. In: M.B. Beck and G. van Straten [eds.]: Uncertainty and Forecasting of Water Quality, Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp.259-291.
Fedra, K. (1981)
Pelagic Foodweb Analysis: Hypothesis Testing by Simulation. Kieler Meeresforsch., Sonderh.5, 249-258.
Fedra, K., van Straten, G. and Beck, M.B. (1981)
Uncertainty and Arbitrariness in Ecosystems Modelling: A Lake Modelling Example. Ecological Modelling 13: 187-210
Fedra, K. (1980)
Mathematical Modelling - A Management Tool for Aquatic Ecosystems? Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen, 34, 221-235.

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