- Fedra, K., (2015)
River Basin Management: what do we really want ?
Keynote presentation at EWRA 2015, Istanbul, June 10-13
Environmental Processes: Volume 2, Issue 3 (2015), Page 511-525,
DOI: 10.1007/s40710-015-0084-4
on-line manuscript, PDF On-line presentation (PPT)
available electronically on SpringerLink: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40710-015-0084-4

- Grguric, S., Krizan, J, Gasparac, G. Spiric, Z., Antonic, O ., Mamouri R.E., Christodoulou A., Nisantzi A., Agapiou, A., Themistocleous, K., Fedra, K., Panayiotou, C., Hadjimitsis, D. (2014)
- Relationship between MODIS AOD (Aerosol Optical Depth) and PM10 over Croatia
Central European Journal of Geosciences. March 2014, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp 2-16
Springer Link
- Fedra, K. (2013)
eLearning with a Rule-based Tutor: Real-time Socratic Dialog.
8pp., IERI, Advances in Education Research Volume 11-12 ISSN: ISSN:2160-1070, ISBN:978-1-61275-047-7
on-line manuscript, PDF
- Fedra, K. and Schwarz-Witwer, C. (2013)
EUREKA WEBAIR: web-based air quality management, real-time forecasting and emission control optimization
20pp., Journal of Environmental Sciences and Engineering A2 (2013) 209-228.
on-line paper, PDF
- Kleanthous,S., Chrysanthos,S., Christofides,I., Hadjimitsis, D.G., Themistocleous, K., Achilleos, C., Douros,I., Moussiopoulos, N., Panayiotou,C., Gregoris,C., Fedra, K., Kubat, M. (2012)
- Particulate monitoring, modeling, and management: natural sources, long-range transport, and emission control options: a case study of Cyprus.
RSCy2013 conference paper.
- Papadavid, G., Hadjimitsis, D, Fedra, K. and Michaelidis, S. (2011)
Smart management and irrigation demand monitoring in Cyprus, using remote sensing and water resources simulation and optimization.
Advances in Geosciences, 9, 1-7
on-line manuscript at www.adv-geosci.net
- Fedra K. (2010)
Non-linear multi-criteria emission control optimization with a 3D dynamic photochemical model system
A&WMA International Speciality Conference: Leapfrogging Opportunities for Air Quality Improvement, Xian, PRC, May 10.-14.,2010.
On-line presentation (PPT)
- Fedra, K., and Witwer, C. (2010)
Operational web-based air quality forecasts: cascading real-time models for assessment, management and public information
A&WMA International Speciality Conference: Leapfrogging Opportunities for Air Quality Improvement, Xian, PRC, May 10.-14.,2010.
On-line presentation (PPT)
- Fedra, K., and Witwer, C. (2009)
Web-based air quality forecasts: assessment, management and public information.
Presented at the AOGS 2009, Singapore, August 11-15, 2009.
On-line presentation (PPT) On-line manuscript (PDF)
- Fedra, K., and Zuvela-Aloise, M. (2009)
Climate Change Scenarios and regional impacts: a case for robust adaptation strategies.
Presented at the COSMOS General Assembly/MedCLIVAR workshop, FUB, Berlin, June 15-17, 2009.
On-line presentation (PPT)
- Fedra, K., Rashidi, Y. and Kim, T. (2009)
Real-time air quality assessment and management: cascading models in a web based implementation. ITM 2009, 30th NATO/SPS, International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Applications, San Francisco, 18-22 May, 2009.
Extended abstract (PDF) on-line presentation (PPT)
- Fedra, K. (2008)
Air Quality Assessment and Management: Web-based tools. Presented at: Better Air Quality 2008, Bangkok, Thailand, 12-15 November 2008
on-line abstract (PDF) on-line presentation (PPT)
- Fedra, K. (2008)
Coastal zone resource management: Tools for a participatory planning and decision making process. 673-686., In: R. Krishnamurthy et. al., [eds]: Integrated Coastal Zone Management - The Global Challenge. Research Publishing Services, Singapore.
on-line paper (PDF)
- Fedra, K.(2008)
Technological risk assessment and management: can we integrate terrorist attacks ?
pp. 353-373 , In: Coskun, H.G., Cigizoglu, H.K., and Maktav, D, [eds.]: Integration of Information for Environmental Security. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security. 498 pp., Springer, Dordrecht.
on-line paper (PDF)
- Harmancioglu, N. Fedra, K., and Barbaros, F. (2008)
Analysis of Sustainability in Management of Water Scarce Basins: the case of the Gediz River Basin in Turkey. Desalination, 226(2008), pp. 175-182.
on-line paper (PDF)
- Cetinkaya, C.P., Fistikoglu, O., Fedra, K. and Harmancioglu, N. (2007)
Optimisation Methods Applied for Sustainable Management of Water-Scarce Basins. Journal of Hydroinformatics, IWA Publishing 2008, 10/1, pp.69-95.
on-line pre-print (PDF)
- Fedra, K., Kubat, M., and Zuvela-Aloise, M. (2007)
Web-based water resources management: economic valuation and participatory multi-criteria optimization.
Proceedings of the Second IASTED International Conference WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT August 20-22, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA ISBN Hardcopy: 98-0-88986-679-9 CD: 978-0-88986-680-5
On-line paper (PDF)
- Fedra, K. (2007)
EIA: tools for a participatory approach. Presented at the IAIA 07, Seoul, Korea.
On-line abstract (PDF) On-line PowerPoint presentation
- Fedra, K. and Kim, T.J. (2007)
Urban and Industrial Air Quality Assessment and Management: a real-time web-based approach. Presented at the IAIA 07, Seoul, Korea.
On-line abstract (PDF) On-line PowerPoint presentation
- Fedra, K. (2006)
Technological Risk Assessment and Management: GIS, simulation models and real-time expert systems. 10 pp., In: Map Middle East 2006, Proceedings, CD edition.
On-line PowerPoint Presentation
- Fedra, K. (2006)
Beyond GIS: Integrating dynamic simulatiom models and GIS for natural resources and environmental management. 10 pp., In: Map Middle East 2006, Proceedings, CD edition.
On-line PowerPoint Presentation
- Fedra, K. (2006)
- Embedded GIS in environmental management. 22-16 pp., GIS Development, Vol. 10/2
- Fedra, K. (2006)
Urban and industrial air quality assessment and management: Internet based solutions. The Clean Air Journal, NACA NVSL Vol. 15/1 April 2006, pp. 19-23.
On-line Paper (PDF)
- Fedra, K. (2005)
Water Resources Modelling at the River Basin Scale (tutorial presentation) IASTED/SMO 2005, Oranjestad, Aruba, August 2005.
On-line Description (HTML) Tutorial Slide Show
- Fedra, K. (2005)
Water Resources Simulation and Optimization: a web based approach. IASTED/SMO 2005, Oranjestad, Aruba, August 2005.
On-line Paper (PDF)
- Fedra, K. and Harmancioglu, N. (2005)
A web-based water resource simulation and optimization system In: Savic, D., Walters, G., King, R., and Khu, A-T. [eds], Proceeding of CCWI 2005, Water management for the 21st Century. Volume II, 167-172, Center of Water Systems, University of Exeter.
On-line Abstract (HTML) On-line Paper (PDF)
- Fedra, K. (2004)
Coastal Zone Resource Management: Tools for a Participatory Planning and Decision Making Process. In: Green, D.R. et al. [eds.]: Delivering Sustainable Coasts: Connecting Science and Policy. Proceedings of Littoral 2004, September 2004, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK., Volume 1, 281-286 pp.
On-line Paper (PDF)
- Fedra, K. (2004)
Water Resources Management in the Coastal Zone: Issues of Sustainability. In: Harmancioglu, N.B., Fisitikoglu, O., Dlkilic, Y, and Gul, A. [eds.]: Water Resources Management: Risks and Challenges for the 21st Century. Proceedings of the EWRA Symposium, September 2-4, 2004, Izmir, Turkey, Volume I, 23-38 pp.
On-line Paper (PDF)
- Fedra, K. (2004)
Sustainable Urban Transportation: a model-based approach. Cybernetics and Systems, 35: 455-485.
On-line Paper (PDF)
- Fedra, K. and Abdel-Rehim, A. (2004)
Spatial Analysis for Coastal Zone Management: Beyond GIS. Proceedings of CoastGIS'03, on-line: http://www.gisig.it/coastgis/papers/fedra.htm
On-line Paper (HTML)
- Fedra, K. (2003)
- From Data Management to Decision Support. In: Integrated Technologies for Environmental Monitoring and Information Production. Harmancioglu, N.B., Ozkul, S.D., Fisitkoglu, O, and Geerders, P. [eds]. 395-410 pp., NATO Science Series, IV, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 23, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
- Fedra, K. (2002)
AirWare: an urban and industrial air quality assessment and management information system. In: MoussiopoulosN, and Karatzas, K. [eds], SATURN-EURASAP, Urban Air Quality Management Systems. 73-91 pp., EUROTRAC-2, ISS, Munich.
On-line Paper (HTML)
- Fedra, K. (2002)
GIS and simulation models for Water Resources Management: A case study of the Kelantan River, Malaysia. 39-43 pp., GIS Development, 6/8.
On-line Paper (HTML)
- Fedra, K. and Winkelbauer, L. (2002)
A hybrid expert system, GIS and simulation modeling for environmental and technological risk management. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 17 (2002) 131-146.
On-line Paper (HTML)
- Fedra, K. (2001)
Environmental RTD projects and applications over the Internet: Case studies from Thailand, China, Malaysia and Japan. Paper presented at the Asia eco-Best Roundtable in Lisbon, March 2001.
On-line Abstract (HTML)
- Karatzas, K., Moussiopoulos, N., Fedra, K., Lohmeyer, A., and Kouroumlis, C. (2001)
- A Multimedia Application for EIA Studies. IEEE MultiMedia. 8/4, 71-75.
- Fedra, K., and Gordov, E. (2000)
- Integrated System for Intelligent Regional Environmental Monitoring and Management: ISIREMM. pp 141-145. In: Gordov, E. [ed.:] Proceedings, ENVIROMIS'2000, 24-28 October 2000, Tomsk. Institute of Atmospheric Optics, SB RAS.
- Fedra, K. (2000)
Environmental Decision Support Systems: A conceptual framework and application examples. Thése prèsentèe á la Facultè des sciences, de l'Universitè de Genéve pour obtenir le grade de Docteur és sciences, mention interdisciplinaire. 368 pp., Imprimerie de l'Universitè de Genéve, 2000.
On-line Abstract (HTML)
- Fedra, K. (2000)
Environmental Information and Decision Support Systems. Informatik/Informatique 4/2000, pp. 14-20.
On-line Paper (HTML)
- Fedra, K. (2000)
Model-based decision support for integrated urban air quality management. In: Longhurst, J.W., Elsom, D.M. and Power, H. [eds.] Air Quality Management, pp 243-260, WIT Press, Southampton.
On-line Paper (HTML)
- Fedra, K. (2000)
Urban environmental management: monitoring, GIS and modeling. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 23(1999) 443-457
On-line Paper (PDF)
- Fedra, K. and Winkelbauer, L. (1999)
A hybrid expert system, GIS and simulation modeling for environmental and technological risk management. In: Environmental Decision Support Systems and Artificial Intelligence, Technical Report WS-99-07, pp 1-7, AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA.
On-line Paper (HTML)
- Fedra, K. (1999)
- Urban Environmental Management. Integrating Monitoring, GIS and Simulation Models. GIM International, 7/13, 28-31.
- Fedra, K., Karatzas, K. and Moussiopoulos, N. (1999)
- Integrated urban environmental management: Monitoring, simulation, decision support. In: N.Moussiopoulo [ed.]: Research in the Fields of Energy and the Environment. Selected Scientific Articles of the Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering. pp. 101-109. Thessaloniki.
- Fedra, K., Haurie, H. (1998)
- A decision support system for air quality management combining GIS and optimization techniques. Int. J. Environment and Pollution Vol.12, Nos.1/2, 1999, 125-146.
- Fedra, K. (1998)
High Performance Computing for Environmental Management: Monitoring, Simulation, Decision Support. Presented at the IST'98 workshop: IST Applications and Services for Environmental Management in European Cities and Regions, Austria Center Vienna, December 2, 1998.
On-line Paper
- Fedra, K. (1998)
Integrated Risk Assessment and Management: Overview and State-of-the-Art. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 61 (1998) 5-22.
On-line Abstract On-line Paper
- Fedra, K. and Feoli, E. (1998)
GIS Technology and Spatial Analysis in Coastal Zone Management. EEZ Technology, Ed. 3, 171-179.
download (PDF: 1,093 KB)
- Fedra, K. (1997)
Integrated Environmental Information Systems: from data to information. In: N.B. Harmancioglu, M.N. Alpaslan, S.D.Ozkul, and V.P. Singh [eds.]: Integrated Approach to Environmental Data Management Systems, 367-378. Kluwer, Dordrecht.
On-line Abstract
- Fedra, K., Greppin, H., Haurie, A., Hussy, C., Dao, Hy, and Kanala, R. (1996)
GENIE: An Integrated Environmental Information and Decision Support System for Geneva. Part I: Air Quality. Arch.Sci.Geneve, Vol. 49, Fasc.3, pp 247-263.
On-line Abstract
- Fedra, K. (1996)
- Multi-Media Environmental Information Systems: Wide-Area Networks, GIS, and Expert Systems. GIS: Geo-Informations-Systeme Vol/Nr. 9/3, 3-10.
- Jamieson, D.G. and Fedra, K. (1996)
- The WaterWare decision-support system for river basin planning: I. Conceptual Design. Journal of Hydrology 177 (1996) 163-175.
- Fedra, K. and Jamieson, D.G. (1996)
- The WaterWare decision-support system for river basin planning: II. Planning Capability. Journal of Hydrology 177 (1996) 177-198.
- Jamieson, D.G. and Fedra, K. (1996)
- The WaterWare decision-support system for river basin planning: III. Example Applications. Journal of Hydrology 177 (1996) 199-211.
- Fedra, K., and Jamieson, D.G. (1996)
An object-oriented approach to model integration: a river basin information system example. In: Kovar, K. and Nachtnebel, H.P. [eds.]: IAHS Publ. no 235, pp. 669-676. On-line Paper
- Fedra, K. (1995)
Decision Support for Natural Resources Management: Models, GIS and Expert Systems. Presented at Decision Support 2001. September 12-16, 1994. AI Applications 9/3 3-19.
On-line Paper
- Fedra, K. (1995)
Chemicals in the Environment: GIS, Models, and Expert Systems. In James Devillers [Ed.] Toxicology Modelling. Vol. 1, No. 1. Carfax Publishing Company, UK. pp. 43-55.
On-line Abstract
- Fedra, K. and E. Weigkricht (1995)
Integrated Information Systems for Technological Risk Assessment. In G.E.G. Beroggi and W.A. Wallace [Eds.] Computer Supported Risk Management. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordrecht. The Netherlands. pp. 213-232.
On-line Abstract
- Weigkricht, E. and Fedra, K. (1995)
Decision Support Systems for Dangerous Goods Transportation. INFOR vol 32, no. 5. May 1995, pp 84-99.
On-line Abstract
- Fedra, K. (1995)
From Spatial Data to Spatial Information: GIS, Environmental Models and Expert Systems. In: From Research to Application through Cooperation. Proceedings Volume 1 - Stream 1,2 and 3. Proceedings of Joint European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information. Netherlands Congress Centre The Hague. AKM Messen AG. March 26-31, 1995. pp. 264-278.
On-line Abstract
- Fedra, K. (1994)
Marine Systems Analysis and Modeling. Proceedings of the Symposium "The Challenge to Marine Biology in a Changing World". 100 Years Biologische Anstalt Helgoland. September 13-18, 1992. Isle of Helgoland. Germany. Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen Volume 49. pp. 617-632.
On-line Abstract
- Fedra, K., Diersch, H.J. and Härig, F. (1994)
Interactive Modeling of Groundwater Contamination: Visualization and Intelligent User Interfaces. In D.C. Adriano, A.K. Iskandar and I.P. Murarka [Eds.] Contamination of Groundwaters. Advances in Environmental Science. Science Reviews. Northwood, UK. pp. 189-220.
On-line Abstract
- Fedra, K. (1994)
- Model-based Environmental Information and Decision Support Systems. In L.M. Hilty, A. Jaeschke, B. Page and A. Schwabl [Eds.] Informatik für den Umweltschutz. Band I. 8. Symposium, Hamburg, Germany 1994. Metropolis Verlag, Marburg, Germany. pp. 37-58.
- Fedra, K. (1994)
- Urbane Umweltinformationssysteme. In it+ti 4/5 - Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik 36 R. Oldenbourg Verlag. pp. 43-48.
- Fedra, K. and Winkelbauer, L. (1994)
- Environmental Assessment, Management, and Reporting. In Robert Trappl [ed.] Cybernetics and Systems '94 - Volume I. Proceedings of the Twelfth European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR'94), organized by the Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies. Vienna, Austria. April 5-8, 1994. World Scientific. pp. 927-934.
- Fedra, K. (1994)
- GIS in Environmental Applications. In Peter J. Shand and Peter J. Ireland [eds.] The 1994 European GIS Yearbook. NCC Blackwell and Hastings Hilton Publishers Ltd. pp. 110-114.
- Fedra, K. (1994)
- Integrated Environmental Information and Decision Support Systems. In: G. Guariso and B. Page [eds.] Computer Support for Environmental Impact Assessment (B-16). Proceedings of the IFIP TC5/WG5.11 Working Conference on Computer Support for Environmental Impact Assessment, CSEIA 93. Como, Italy. 6-8 October 1993. Elsevier Science B.V. (North Holland). pp269-288.
- Fedra, K. (1994)
GIS and environmental modeling. In: M.F. Goodchild, B.O. Parks and L.T. Steyaert [eds.] Environmental Modeling with GIS. 35-50, Oxford University Press.
On-line Paper
- Fedra, K. (1993)
- Clean Air - Air Quality Modelling and Management. In: Mapping Awareness and GIS in Europe. Volume 7 No. 6. July/August. A Miles Arnold Publication. pp. 24-27.
- Lassarre, S., Fedra, K. and Weigkricht, E. (1993)
- Computer-Assisted Routing of Dangerous Goods for Haute-Normandie. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 119, No.2. pp. 200-210.
- Fedra, K. and Kubat, M. (1993)
- Hybrid GIS and Remote Sensing in Environmental Applications. RR-93-20. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria. Hybrid Geographical Information Systems reprinted from EARSel Advances in Remote Sensing (1992) 1(3):89-100. A Global Change Impact Assessment System: GIS, Models and Expert Systems reprinted from Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Remote Sensing and Global Environmental Change (1993) ISSN:1068-9281, pps. I-657-I-668.
- Fedra, K. (1993)
- Models, GIS and Expert Systems: Integrated Water Resources Models. In K. Kovar and H.P. Nachtnebel [eds.]. Application of Geographic Information Systems in Hydrology and Water Resources Management. Proceedings of an international conference held in Vienna, Austria, 19-22 April, 1993. IAHS Publication No. 211. pp. 297-308.
- Fedra, K. (1993)
- Integrated Information Systems for Water Resources Management. Preprints of Papers. WATERCOMP '93. 2nd Australasian Conference on Computing for the Water Industry Today and Tomorrow. Melbourne, Australia. 30 March - 1 April, 1993. The Institution of Engineers, Australia. National Conference Publication No. 93/2. pp. 277-289.
- Fedra, K., Weigkricht, E. and Winkelbauer, L. (1993)
- Decision Support and Information Systems for Regional Development Planning. In: T. Vasko [ed.] Problems of Economic Transition - Regional Developments in Central and Eastern Europe. Selected Papers from an International Colloquium held at Strbske Pleso, High Tatras, CSFR, 21-24 April 1991. Avebury. pp. 215-242
- Fedra, K. (1993)
- Expert Systems in Water Resources Simulation and Optimization. In J.B. Marco et.al [eds.] Stochastic Hydrology and its Use in Water Resources Systems Simulation and Optimization. Kluwer Academic Publishers. The Netherlands. pp-397-412.
- Fedra, K. (1992)
- Simulation Modelling in Environmental Impact Assessment. In A.K. Biswas and S.B.C. Agarwala [eds.] Environmental Impact Assessment for Developing Countries. Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, Oxford, UK. pp. 140-159.
- Fedra, K., Winkelbauer, L. and Pantulu. V.R. (1991)
- Expert Systems for Environmental Screening. An Application in the Lower Mekong Basin. RR-91-19. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. A-236l Laxenburg, Austria. 169p.
- Fedra, K. (1991)
- Smart Software for Water Resources Planning and Management. In: D.P. Loucks and J.R. da Costa [Eds.], Decision Support Systems. NATO ASI Series, Vol. G26. Springer Verlag. Berlin, Heidelberg, pp.145-172.
- Fedra, K. (1991)
- A Computer-based Approach to Environmental Impact Assessment. In: A.G. Colombo and G. Premazzi [eds.] Proceedings of the Workshop on Indicators and Indices for Environmental Impact Assessment and Risk Analysis. Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy. 15-16 May, 1990. Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg. pp.11-40.
- Loucks, D.P., Kindler, J. and Fedra, K. (1985)
- Interactive Water Resources Modeling and Model Use: An Overview. Water Resources Research, 21/2, 95-102.
- Fedra, K. and Loucks, D.P. (1985)
- Interactive Computer Technology for Planning and Policy Modeling. Water Resources Research, 21/2, 114-122.
- Fedra, K. (1985)
- A Modular Interactive Simulation System for Eutrophication and Regional Development. Water Resources Research, 21/2, 143-152.
- Fedra, K. (1984)
- Interactive Water Quality Simulation in a Regional Framework: A Management Oriented Approach to Lake and Watershed Modeling. Ecological Modelling, 21: 209-232.
- Fedra, K. (1983)
- Environmental Modeling under Uncertainty: Monte Carlo Simulation. RR-83-28. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria. 78p.
- Fedra, K. (1983)
- A Monte Carlo Approach to Estimation and Prediction. In: M.B. Beck and G. van Straten [eds.]: Uncertainty and Forecasting of Water Quality, Springer-Verlag, Berlin. pp.259-291.
- Fedra, K. (1981)
- Pelagic Foodweb Analysis: Hypothesis Testing by Simulation. Kieler Meeresforsch., Sonderh.5, 249-258.
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- Uncertainty and Arbitrariness in Ecosystems Modelling: A Lake Modelling Example. Ecological Modelling 13: 187-210
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- Mathematical Modelling - A Management Tool for Aquatic Ecosystems? Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen, 34, 221-235.