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Under contract to the World Bank/India and in the framework of the NHP, ESS is preparing a training course on its WaterWare Water Resources Management Information and Decision Support System, to be held in Kolkata. This is part of the National Hydrology Project an aiming at the Damodar Basin, usedas an exmple and test application, The NHP (Government of India, with support from the World Bank), is designed over 8 years numerous (40)river basins, and with a funding volume of 300 million US$.
MALTA: A third round of model based EIA (air quality impacts) for the Delimara Thermal Power Station, this one concentrating on the FSU (Floating Storage Unit), was commissioned by the ElectroGas Malta consortium. In collaboration with our local partner Ecoserv Ltd., ESS applied air quality simulation models of the AirWare system, see also:
In collaboration with the University of Tehran, within the framework of ICPR (International Cooperation Research Program) at the MSRT (Ministry for Science, Research and Technology), ESS has joined a research project on "Smart Prediction of Air Pollution in Tehran using Spatio-temporal Data Mining"
In the core of this collaboration is AirWare in a national application including DUST (Pm10, PM2.5, see PM3 LIFE project below) and a detailed model for Tehran municipality (see the AQCC projecty below) that provides a reference and comparison for the data mining methods developed at UoT. Partners include the Civil Engineering, Center of Excellence in Geomatics Engineering at UoT, the University of Isfahan, Civil Engineering, emphasis on traffic, and Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran.
Slovak Republic: starting with Janury 2014, ESS has nor formalized its cooperation with EMC ECO Monitoring a.s. Bratislava, joining the ECM group as "associate partner", merging monitoring and advanced modeling capabilities.
ECM ECO Monitoring is focusing on instrumentation for continuous monitoring of gases, liquids and particles. Teaming leading manufacturers of analytic instrumentation, the group is offering optimal solutions for monitoring problems of a very broad range of applications in different industries.
ECM is operating a network of subsidiaries and offices in many countries of Central and Eastern Europe. ECM ECO Monitoring, a.s. Bratislava is the central company of the ECM Group focusing for delivery of turn key systems and individual instrumentation.
MALTA: Another model based EIA (air quality impacts) for the Delimara Thermal Power Station , following the first study for capacity extension with 8 diesel engines in 2011; Under contract to ENEMALTA, local energy company, and in collaboration with our local partner Ecoserv Ltd., ESS applies several air quality simulation models of the AirWare system for an Environmental Impact Assessment for the planned 180-220 MW CCGT plant, together with the shutdown of the old Delimara Gas turbines 1 and 2, and the upgrade of the 8 diesel engines to natural gas, and a 200 MW interconnect to the European power grid via Sicily. The EIA project builds on the EUREKA E!3266 WEBAIR project demo for the Maltese islands.
POLAND: with GUT, Gdansk University of Technology as the local team leader, a new partner has (re)joined WEBAIR. The development will focus on th eintegration of fuzzy set technology, the test case cover the cities of Gdansk, Gdynia, and Sopot, embedded in a national and European (EMEP emission) model domain. The case study builds on earlier projects with Gdansk, Environmental Telematics (ECOSIM), and City of Tomorrow (SUTRA).
PERU in collaboration with the Comite de Gestion de la Iniciativa de Aire Limpio para Lima y Callao an on-line AirWare case study within E!3266 WEBAIR for Lima and Callao has been started, combining daily forecasts and hourly nowcasts with interactive tools for scenario analysis.
Croatia: A Collaborative Agreement was signed with two partners: OIKON d.o.o. and GEKOM d.o.o. for range of topics in environmental analysis, planning, and management. A first concrete collaborative project is WEBAIR-2, an extension of the EUREKA E!3266 WEBAIR with emphasis on particulates. A joint case study for the town and region around Sisak, nested within national and European scope for long-range transport of air pollutants with emphasis on particulates has bee implemented.
ARGENTINA: IMA, the Instituto de Medio Ambiente of UNLAM, University Nacional de la Mantaza, Buenos Aires, Argentina, has joined EUREKA E!3266 as a new project partner. IMA will support a local test case for WEBAIR for the industrial area at the mouth of the Mantaza-Riachuelo river, Dock Sud, a heavily industrialized area, combining the basic air quality assessment and management with continuous monitoring, and elements of risk analysis and water quality. Localization, i.e., a Spanish version of the software used is another of the topics of collaboration.
United Arab Emirates, Gulf region: ESS has signed a memorandum of understanding with NeemTech in Dubai, an environmental engineering consulting group, for cooperation in a wide range of environmental projects covering environemntal planning, management and impact assessment.
Joint ventures will combine NeemTech local presence, field experience and contacts with ESS Information Systems Technology.
LIFE+ Cyprus: PM3: Particulates Monitoring, Modelling, Management: In collaboration with several partners on Cyprus and in Greece (Department of Labor Inspection, Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance; ATLANTIS Cyprus; Cyprus University of Technology; Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki) ESS is working on a new project under the LIFE+ programme for the analysis, simulation and management of particulates with emphasis on fine dust (PM10, PM2.5) for the Republic of Cyprus, aiming at developing an optimized Dust Management Plan, building on components of the AirWare system and the WEBAIR EUREKA E! 3266 project. The three year project has started in January 2011.
Malta: EIA for the Delimara Thermal Power Station capacity expansion. Under contract to MEPA, The Malta Environmment and Planning Authority, and in collaboration with our local partner Ecoserv Ltd., ESS applies severalmodels of the AirWare system. for an Environmental Impact Assessment of the Delimara Thermal Power Stations capacity expansion,in a coastal location south of Valetta, Malta.
The EIA project builds on the EUREKA E!3266 WEBAIR project demo for the Maltese islands.
Collaboration with Brazil: ESS GmbH has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Braile Enghenaria Ltda., Rio de Janeiro, on urban and industrial air quality assessment, management and decision support systems development and applications with and around the AirWare system.
A first joint project addresses air quality aspects of Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment (AAE, Avaliacao Ambiental Estrategica) for an industrial district and harbor area, Complexo Industrial e Portuario do Acu, east of Campos dos Goytacazes, north-east of Rio de Janeiro. The new industrial district combines a range of industries such as automotive and steel in a coastal location.
Coastal Water Quality: in collaboration with the ELARD Group, a new case study on coastal water quality, using the 3D ROMS model system, has been started for the Lebanon Chemical Company in Selaata, Lebanese Coast, Eastern Mediterranean. The project will simulate the release and distribution of phosphogypsum sludge from the LCC coastal fertilizer plant with a web-based interactive implementation of ROMS as part of an environmental audit, impact and risk asessment study.
Collaboration with China: ESS GmbH has signed a Memorandum of Understanding and Representation Agreement with SinoCAN INTELLITECH Ltd. in Bejing, P.R.China on environmental information and decision support systems development, representation of ESS GmbH in China, and SinoCAN's participation in the EUREKA project E!3266 WEBAIR with new case studies and application in China. SinoCAN is a joint-venture-entity between China and Canada, which is working on air quality models software products such as AERMOD, CALPUFF or AUSTAL and also provides system solutions for environmental management systems to the local governments (provincial and county levels) and environmental consulting insitutions in China.
E! 3266 WEBAIR KOREA: welcomes the Center for Atmoshperic and Environment Modeling at SNU
The Korean case study (Seoul, Gyeonggi, Korean peninsula, and large scale, long-range transport for continental particulates modeling) of the EUREKA project WEBAIR has a new development partner for the Korean case study:
the Center for Atmoshperic and Environment Modeling at Seoul National University.
COR: Computer Operated River System In collaboration with RUBICON Systems, Australia, a world-leading company in open channel control, irrigation and SCADA technology, ESS is preparing POC, a "Proof Of Concept" implementation of its web-based WaterWare management information system for NSW State Water Corporation, and the Murrumbidgee basin and its irrigation systems. The emphasis is on real-time operational control of water allocations. This is based on a cascade of operational weather forecasts with rainfall-runoff, reservoir management, and irrigation water demand modeling and a dynamic water budget model with embedded economic valuation. The non-linear multi-criteria optimization strategy around the models of the WaterWare system is designed to maximize "net benefits" across the basin - including environmental water use and water quality criteria beyond economic efficiency - for win-win solutions in a participatory approach.
Middle East: ESS has signed a memorandum of understanding with FOCUS-ME in Dubai, specializing in monitoring, measurement and telemetry systems, for cooperation in the Middle East and Gulf region. Planned cooperation spans a broad range of environmental topics and DSS applications such as hydrometeorological forecasts and integrated water resources and irrigation management, forecasting and management of floods and droughts, forest fires, dust/particulates (PM10/PM2.5) forecasting, early warning, and exposure estimates, coastal water quality, etc.
CourseWare: Within the framework of the AT:net broadband initiative and funded by the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, we explore technology enhanced training and (distance) learning, based on the precursor eConsulting project. The CourseWare project, scheduled over a two year period, will concentrate on technical training, on-the job-learning using 3/4G SmartPhones as well as the Internet to support coninuing as well as academic education and life-long learning. The main technological topic is the merging oc concepts of Artificial Intelligence (mainly rule based expert systems) with mobile communication for "smart" learning dialogues anywhere, anytime. The primary application domain is related to environmental management, technological risk, and occupational health and safety.
In September 2009, offices for ESS Chile have been opened in Santiago de Chile, Avenida Santa Maria 2810, Piso 3 (T: +56 (2) 632 9577 F: +56 (2) 434 1800) to assist Latin American Clients from the Mining, Energy and Forestry/Cellulose sectors, among others. Through ESS Chile, ESS environmental information and decision support systems solutions and locally based support are available now for primarily Latin American Clients, see also:
The EUREKA project WEBAIR keeps growing: the latest "third country" partner from Peru is the Comite de Gestion de la Iniciativa de Aire Limpio para Lima y Callao which represents 13 major institutions including national ministries in its efforts to manage air quality in the metropolitan area of Lima and and the Pacific seaport of Callao, together home to about 8.5 million people or a third of the Peruvian population. An aging fleet of vehicles on its roads, and poor fuel quality (high sulphur content) are responsible from an improving, yet still poor, urban air quality.
E! 3266 WEBAIR New project partners from Bahrain, and Tyrol, Austria.
The EUREKA project WEBAIR keeps growing: the latest "third country" partner is Quality Systemtechnik , Bahrain, a Subsidiary of UNIVERSAL HOLDING GROUP Inc. Quality Systemtechnik is an SME that specializies in environmental technology such as desalination and water purification, and is branching out into environmental planning, management and information systems. They will support a case study of Bahrain, including one of the worlds largets Aluminim smelters in Alba.
WEBAIR also welcomes an Austrian partner, Miklautz-Gärtner ZT architecture unlimited OG, architects city and regional planners that cover the topic of low energy buildings; their major activity will include work on the emission control and energy efficiency optimization in WEBAIR, as well as regional case studies along the Inn valley North-South European transportation corridor and the interactions between domestic and traffic generated emissions urban structures and air quality.
The latest fully web-based release of WaterWare, R6.1 beta (base system), has been installed on a local server of the
Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) in Limassol (Lemesos), under an academic license for university research projects and teaching applications. The initial emphasis is on irrigation water management in the Paphos-Mandria irrigation district and the integration of remote sensing (satellite imagery) data. A development version of the system is also mirrored at ESS.
OPTAIR: is now supported in its second year by the Austrian Research Foundation FFG and the Province of Lower Austria.
Major new work packages in E! 3266 WEBAIR include use of the 3D photochemical model CAMx for the multi-criteria emission control optimization, and parallel stochatic extension of the model forecasts.
In a closely related two-year project: eConsulting supported by the Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, we explore the on-line SaaS (Software as a Service) aspects of the WEBAIR system as a web-based on-line solution, application services, but also public information system. The basic air quality models are extended towards a more comprehensive support system for industrial environmental management, following concepts of EMAS and ISO14001, with an initial pilot in the United Arab Emirates.
E! 3266 WEBAIR Malaysia joins as "third country" partner !
The EUREKA project WEBAIR keeps growing: the latest "third country" partner is MMASTEC ENGINEERING SDN BHD, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. MMASTEC Engineering is an SME specializies in ICT, networking, and applications, and will support a case study of Kuala Lumpur and environs, including the government garden city of Putrajaya. Specific topics beyond Megacity concerns include widespread biomass burning in the region and the resulting haze, but also the validation of wet deposition modeling in a monsoon climate.
SEA-EAS In collaboration with the Universities of Split and Zadar, Croatia, ESS is implementing a web-based environmental information system for the EU funded project: "Environmental Areas of Value and Archaeological Sites" covering topics around biodiversity, from otter (lutra lutra) distribution to marine habitats on the Dalmatian coast and its islands.
The Korean case study (Seoul, Gyeonggi, Korean peninsula, coordinated in Korea by BioTel) of the EUREKA project WEBAIR has new development partnerfor the second project year: Anyang University. Joint development will include interfacing an additional air quality model Models-3/Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ, operated by Anyang university), model intercomparison, and a distributed implementation and customization.
ESS has won an international tender to supply AirWare to the AQCC (Air Quality Control Company, Tehran). The contract involves the installation of the real-time AirWare air quality assessment an management system for the Theran Metropolitan Area. The system will be based on the latest client-server release of AirWare, R5.3 including stochastic ozoneforecasts and multi-criteria source control optimization. The project includes the supply of the software system, installation, user training, maintenance and continuing support of the system for an initial two years. AQCC has also joined the EUREKA project E! 3266 WEBAIR as a third country partner.
E! 3266 WEBAIR has another third country partner from The United Arab Emirates
ELARD, Earth Link & and Advanced Resource Development, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates brings the WEBAIR consortium to 18 countries; thr group will develip applications in the Gulf region, with emphasis on dust, VOC fugitive emissions from the oil industry and ozone formation under the local climate of high temperatures and intense solar radiation, as well as accidental release scenarios from large chemical installations.
Within the Nile Basin Initiative's World Bank sponsored project on Needs Assessment and Conceptual Design of a DSS for the Nile Basin, ESS is conducting a series of eleven national and sub-regional awareness and training workshops on DSS for Integrated Water Resources Management.
The workshops are being held in Burundi, DR Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda, with a series of lectures and hands-on exercises using the WaterWare system, optimization and multi-criteria DSS tools as demonstration examples.
OPTAIR: supported by the Austrian Research Foundation FFG and the Province of Lower Austria, ESS has started a major new work package in E! 3266 WEBAIR on multi-criteria emission control optimization. The three year RTD project will deal with methods of numerical techno-economic optimization for very large, distributed, dynamic, non-linear (non-differentiable) systems, using nested, hierarchical and cascading impact models, cluster computing, machine learning and adaptive heuristics and genetic algorithms as some of its methods and approaches. The test cases will be drawn from the ongoing WEBAIR case studies.
In collaboration with the WEBAIR partner OIKON d.o.o. Institute of Applied Ecology, supported by the Croatian Ministry of the Environment and with active participation of the end user, the EUREKA project WEBAIR is adding another new case study for the industrial City of Sisak in central Croatia.
The EUREKA project WEBAIR has added a new on-line application for South Korea, centered around the MegaCity region of Metropolitan Seoul. The implementation combines daily meteorological forecasts with MM5, driving nested grid daily and hourly model runs with CAMx and AERMOD, and PBM.
NBI DSS a new World Bank sponsored project for the Nile Basin.
In a consortium with partners from Austria, the UK, Egypt, Ethiopia and Tanzania, ESS works on a consulting project to define user requirements and design of a Nile Basin DSS. Particular tasks include a series of awareness workshops on DSS for Integrated Water Resources Management, using the WaterWare system, optimization and multi-criteria DSS tools as demonstration examples.
E! 3266 WEBAIR has yet another "third country" partner !
The EUREKA project WEBAIR keeps growing: the latest "third country" partner is CESIMO, the Center for Environmental Simulation and Modelling at the Universidad de Los Andes in Venezuela, a partner in the INCO project GAIA. The new partner will work primarily on the high-altitude case study of Merida (Santiago de los Caballeros de Merida at 1,600 m), close to the Pico Bolivar with 4,981m), a challenging test case for the wind field modelling !
E! 3266 WEBAIR welcomes two new "third country" partners.
The EUREKA project WEBAIR keeps growing: "new third country" partners include BioTel Co. Ltd from Korea, and Airshed Pty Ltd. from South Africa. The new partners will work primarily on ozone (Korea) and domestic emisions, dust entrainment, and public health impacts (South Africa), each with at least one major case study application as a test bed for the integration of new developments.
In collaboration with ATLANTIS Consulting Cyprus Ltd. based in Nicosia, also a partner in our E! 3266 WEBAIR project, ESS has won an international tender to supply an air quality dispersion modelling system for Cyprus for The Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance, Department of Labour Inspection, Republic of Cyprus. The system is based on the latest web-based client-server release of AirWare, R5.2.1. The project includes the supply of a turn-key system, installation, user training, maintenance and continuing support of the system for an initial two years. Visit the latest release demos now installed in Cyprus
ESS has started a new project with the Changjiang Water Resources Commission, Yangtze River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan, to adapt and configure the WaterWare for the Yangtze river basin, to study both quantity and quality issues. A first turn-key system with the web based WaterWare R 5.0 has been shipped to China in early June 2005.
A new project on optimisation for water resources management has started with September 2004.
ESS coordinates the three year project with a ten country consortium including Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Turkey, Lebanon, Palaestine, Tunisia, and Morocco.
Project meetings were held in October 2004 in Malta, and in April 2005 in Izmir, Turkey, in October 2005 in Morocco, and in May 2006 in Gumpoldskirchen, Austria.
Release 1.0 of CENVIS, an adaptation of the RiskWare management information system for technological risk assessment and management for the Netherlands has been shipped to RIVM/CEV as a turn-key system implemented on a multi-processor Linux server in October 2004. CENVIS R 1.0 links to the latest data bases for installations and hazardous chemicals available at the center for external safety at RIVM, incorporates new and up-to-date GIS data, and supports import and georeferenced display of SAFETI and PHAST risk model results.
In collaboration with LANDASAN Teknologi SDN. BHD. ESS is providing extended support for the WaterWare system to NAHRIM (National Hydraulic Research Institute of Malaysia) in Kula Lumpur, now under the new Ministry for Natural Resources. The support includes a complete mirror installation with automatic remote updates, and a new, parallel and compatible web-based ASP version of the system.
E!3266 WEBAIR: A new EUREKA project:
As a follow-up project to E!1388 AIDAIR, under the EUROENVIRON umbrella, E!3266 WEBAIR has recieved the EUREKA status "A" in June 2004.
ESS is funded, in part by the Austrian FFG and the province of Lower Austria.
The project includes partners from Austria, Portugal, Finland, Morocco, and Lithuania with Cyprus, Poland, Switzerland, Russia, Turkey and Italy ready to join. The new project will address real-time monitoring and modelling issues of urban and industrial air quality management.
A first pilot case will simulate a thermal power plant on Cyprus (already started under E!1388), the Helsinki region including real-time forecasts, and industrial and urban areas of and around Gdanks in Poland.
Dynamic Pollen Forecasts
For the fourth year in a row now, ESS is suplying a dynamic on-line forecasting system for cedar pollen in Kanto, Japan. The system is run with 48 hour meteorological forecasts every 12 hours, and updated every hour with new observations becoming available on-line. A spatially distributed pollen emission model, a dynamic 3D dispersion model describing transport and deposition of the pollen grains and hourly data assimilation are cacaded under the control of a rule-based real-time expert system.
Results are directly published on the web:
AirWare Gdansk
Exploiting results of the SUTRA project, an on-line version of the AirWare set of models and data management tools is being implemented for the three city area of Gdansk, Sopot and Gdynia in Poland; the project is part of the new E!3266 WEBAIR proposal.
The on-line system includes historical as well as real-time hourly meteorological and air quality monitoring data, air quality models for regular, hourly runs (including data assimilation strategies), regular forecasts (48 hour horizon), and tools for scenario analysis.
A new three-year INCO (Mediterranean) project with partners in Italy, France, Portugal, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and Tunisia, was started in September 2002. SMART: Sustainable Management od Scarce Resources in the Coastal Zone deals with issues of water resources management in five case studies of coastal regions around the Mediterranean.
With the fith project meeting held in Hammamet, Tunisia, in September 2004, the project has entered the second half of its planned duration, leading to the follow-up project OPTIMA, that extends the basic ideas towards optimisation.
Most of the documentation and user manuals of ESS systems and projects as well as several interactive demos and some ASP examples are available on-line. Many ESS projects and their results are also described and published in the international scientific literature.
Selected reports and abstracts are also available on-line.